Saturday, January 02, 2010

2010: Stop the Fur Trade!


Curmudgeonly Hammy says: keep yer dirty mits off my fur!

When will the fur trade ever stop?

Real fur's popularity plummeted to an all-time low in the 1990s when the supermodels starred on billboards declaring: "I'd rather go naked than wear fur" ads...

... yet as soon as fur came back in fashion only a few years later at least one was quick to reverse her position ...

Here is a small selection of animals STILL bred for fur and used in coats, hats/ etc around the world.

Mink: these are bred in vast numbers for companies like Fendi... these weasel-like creatures also cause havoc when released into the wild by animal rights activists...


Ermine (the stoat's winter white coat):
... aren't these the cutest?


Even the golden hamster, traditionally used as a lining (because the fur's not that amazingly soft compared to the others) ~ though as recently as 2004 genuine hamster fur coats ~ with the hamster fur on the outside ~ were being sold in Scotland!

Hamster links:
Genuine hamster fur coats sold in Scottish shop!
Independent newspaper report ...
BBC report ...
CBBC (children's) report ~ featuring very cute hammy picture ...

Mink link:
£10,000 mink handbag by Fendi ...

BTW ermine was traditionally used as the white trim in royal robes: here's Queen Elizabeth I's famous Ermine Portrait as displayed in Hatfield House:

Feral ermine. Notice how fast it is... and see how even the dog rolls over warily in submission..!

This is funny: an entire family of wild mink bounding along the river-bank...

Wild mink pilfering fish!


  1. it is pretty depressing
    and fake fur is so good! seems no need for it so far as I can see.

    great vids. though, made me smile.

    Happy new year Gledwood - hope 2010 will be a better year for you

  2. I did own a (rabbit) fur jacket back in the early 70's but it's long gone. Now I wear faux fur - it's good enough.

    Loved the videos Gleds. :)

  3. Fake fur will probably never be as soft, but it looks practically as good.

  4. Good post Gled. It breaks my heart to think of animals being robbed of their fur just to make a fashion statement and I agree that these so-called supermodels are so fickle....... they'll do anything to get into the limelight.

  5. That's true what you said about supermodels ~ any excuse to get naked as well, by the looks of it!!

  6. Haha wasn't Naomi Campbell the one who said she wouldn't get out of bed for less than $10,000? We kill thousands of feral rabbits and foxes each year they're feral and environmental pests, why don't they make fur coats out of them? I know the New Zealanders do the same with possum fur. Also feral over there, introduced by Australia. I don't like fur actually. Smells funny and drives dogs bonkers.

  7. BAINO does it really drive dogs bonkers? how weird!!

    WELSHCAKES I bet it never will stop though. even I have mixed feelings about it ~ e.g. about antique fur ~ and what about leather? I wear leather shoes... and eat cows!!

    SYD indeed, though see above

    I've never owned fur anything, though I DID want to get my dead hamsters stuffed eating peanuts and looking perky-eared... ~ just like the pygmy shrews at Cuffley Woodland camp

    I think they would have cost about £250 each though ...

  8. i would like to point out that real fur always looks better than fake it's just because were so used to fake fur i have 5 fur jackets and there is nothing wrong with that


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