Thursday, January 21, 2010

Good news: bad news...

THERE IS GOOD NEWS AND THERE IS BAD NEWS. I will only tell the good news today. And that is someone (I don't know who because it was 9-11:30pm and I wasn't conversational) came and cleared out the hooligans' room last night. Vacuumed it out. Spent ages sweeping the hall obsessively. And I know it wasn't one of them because they didn't talk "black" and I understood the few words they spoke by the door.

The bad news I hope to have turned to good news by tomorrow. But it is nothing to do with neighbours. I cannot say till it is sorted out!

Watch Michael Jackson's Private Home Movies, as originally shown on Fox TV...


  1. Peace at last without those neighbors.

  2. the_perfect_mc@hotmail.com21 January 2010 at 22:08

    Not all junkies are purse-snatching grandmother-killing psychos. I'm keeping this blog to bear witness to that fact.
    - This is one of my sentiments exactly. Unfortunately I am on a script at the moment and have recently relapsed but in all this crap one of the biggest things I have discovered is that it's nearly impossible to stop people thinking that I like to mug old ladies on a regular basis. Anyway, just wanted to say i've been reading your blogs and I gotta' admire the way you just get on with things, wish I could. All the best! J.

  3. By the way, try Bluetooth blocker to jam all secret devices in your room or at work.

  4. Hi Gleds ~~ I am so sorry you have had some nasty neighbors and hope that they have finally gone. Sounds
    like it when they are cleaning the place up.
    And I do think you should get some more hamsters as they were good company and amusement for you.
    We are in the midst of our 105F day (and no serious fires) and air/con is working it's magic. I doubt if it would kill any snakes, spiders and giant hornets. Where
    did you get the last one from?
    I have never heard of giant hornets
    and the spiders and snakes are not
    that common either. Nice to hear from you my friend. Regards, Merle.

  5. It's awful having problem neighbours. I've only struck that once and I couldn't wait to move.

    Glad yours seem to be out of the way...I hope you get your bad news turned into good.


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