Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Shall I get more baby hammies...?

AFTER FEELING DEATHLY DEPRESSED this morning, after I woke up at the cheery hour of FOUR A.M... I did at last manage to lighten up... and can now report being in a thoroughly hamsterific mood!!
Long-term readers of this blog, as well as the sharper-eyed will know from the title Heroin and Hamsters that I did indeed used to keep no fewer than THREE roborovski Mongolian pygmy social hamsters who lived in furry harmony for nearly two years... until one after the other they kicked the can, the entire lot of them, in the space of about three months.
I now find myself with no fewer than two luxury fishtanks (one cracked; the other quite possibly ready to go with fishies, tropical snails, freshwater shrimp, African dwarf frogs... the whole shebang...) and a luxury three story cage. That wheel looks so miserable not a-turning. I need life in my house. (My life, if you call it that, does not count!)

THIS is an African dwarf frog, sharing with a white Siamese fighter.
Not sure I'd go for that colour when those fish are available in indigo-red... but each to his own...

I used to have one of these:

This is the sort of tropical set-up I'd like if I keep fish. Neon (or cardinal) tetras and sucker loaches.
These are a lively pair:

This is an interesting aquatic "community"...

Why are these sapphires so cheap..?


  1. You gotta be careful with them damn frogs - keep escaping!

  2. Of course you should get yourself some furry little babies! Fish are ok to look at but they aren't warm blooded.

  3. Gledds,
    I think it would help with the depression to get the hamsters. My cats and dog help me a lot.

    Sending love,


  4. I think that more hamsters would be great. I enjoyed seeing them and reading about them.

  5. Definitely more hammies. Fish take too much looking after, especially tropicals. I had freshwater fish for years but never managed to keep them successfully for more than 12 months. Go the furries!

  6. Ooh, I'm definitely with the voters for more hamsters!!! And look at that colorful, amazing mansion they have to run and play in!!! I am impressed with that :)

    I agree with the others; pets do help with the depression, and we your readers certainly love to keep updated about the cute little guys!

  7. I don't actually OWN the mansion house... I have a 3 storey cage and 2 tanks. 1 is probably suitable for fish, the other definitely isn't as the bottom pane is cracked.
    Guinea swines I would like to try, but they are quite big so would need a hutch. I saw a wonderful huge one with professionally fitted roof next to a house a few months ago. I was hoping the owners didn't want it, but hadn't the transport to shift it home. It was probably worth about £300/$500...
    I agree fish are a bit of a bind ~ I cannot move house if I have fish and they have the right to move me with no notice...


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