Saturday, February 27, 2010


Feathery Friday on Saturday

Budgies are native to the Australian outback, where they fly around in huge green flocks. When they get tired they like to stop for a chat on a tree:

Sometimes the flocks are enormous:

Budgies make good pets as small birds go. They are members of the parrot family and thus quite intelligent and calm. They can also learn 2000 or more words of human language, and be bred in a multitude of colours, especially blue...

Of course the babies look very cute:

Have a good weekend.


  1. And they are so cute. We have many lovely birds in the wonderful land of Oz!

  2. OH I love Budgies! We've had about five and we taught them all to talk!

  3. I only come back to this side of the blogworld because of you, gleds.

    I'm fine (thanks)...better now...just working fulltime at a job I really love! That, mostly, explains my absence.

    I've always had budgies...that last pic looks very much like the one that just died (his name was "Pretty Bird" named by my nephew). Love them...I'll post pics of him later.

    I'm going to update my blog, just for you. :)

  4. You know I've never seen one in the wild but then I'm on the coast. We do have a similar and very pretty little parrot called a Red Rumped Parrot. I prefer them in the air and chatting in trees to cages but then I'm lucky, I just have to look outside my window and there's a plethora of parrots!

  5. oh so cute - those stripes don't quiet look feasible, do they?

    we sometimes get indigenised (?) green parakeets in our garden

  6. We use to have four budgies, but got rid of them when we moved. The are sweet to watch, but noisy little buggers.


  7. Did you know my Australian cousin DID NOT KNOW that budgies come from the Australian outback?... she just assumed they had somehow always lived in cages... (or something?

  8. Like Baino I've never seen them in the wild either except via the tv, that first photo is gorgeous*!*

  9. Debs I'm very flattered... I'm glad you're OK, glad you got another job... see you in a mo ;->...

  10. Great photos. Thanks for sharing these.


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