Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Stay of execution...

THE IDIOTIC COUNTY COUNCIL have given me a month to get them documentation that they ought really be sending off for themselves. Don't we live in a 24-7 wired-up world? Isn't identity theft on the up? So why don't THEY establish my factuals, instead of leaving it to me to bring in pieces of paper that could really be concocted by anyone with access to a half-decent scanner and laser printer..?

And now for a musical interlude:~

AVE MARIAThis is one of my favourite tunes:


  1. Aye, there's the rub. They could but why bother, when they can bug you to do the work?


  2. Ouch! I'm rubbing my neck!

    Long time no see, Gledwood. Glad to see you're still blogging. I've had a sabbatical from it for a while...didn't realise until yesterday the "while" has been since August 2008!!

  3. check this version of ave maria its even more beautiful than the one u just posted


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