Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sublime Saturdays

THIS MUSIC, which I know as "the gallery" from Tony Hart's kiddies TV art show, but most folks would know as the theme from The Deer Hunter:

The music's proper name is Cavatina, composed for the film by Stanley Myers and performed on guitar by John Williams.

With words added, the song is sometimes known as "She (or He) Was Beautiful" ~ performed here by Iris Williams, who has a gorgeous warm voice ~ but no Spanish guitar to be heard!:


  1. Gleds, I don't know why you are having problems commenting on my blog, unless you are tying it from that wacky phone you just bought.

    I even left myself a comment with no problem. It said "this blog is the dog's bollocks" ha,ha, how it that for some British slang! If you need ideas for a post, why don't you do one on your lingo over there.

  2. It was all re your slideshow:

    The library computers are absolutely chronic and every time I tried I got logged out, had to pass out one frame (window) that was lying over another... re-log in... try not logging in... etc etc. They just would not play ball and I only wanted to pass comment on addiction being a disease that can only be initiated by the taking of drugs ~ so the big question (so I ever-so-originally stated was what causes anyone to try drugs in the FIRST PLACE... and that was about it ;-/...


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