Friday, March 26, 2010

At the Dentist... At last!!

FINALLY! I got to book a dentist appointment for Monday!

My rotten teeth shall be no more!

I can barely eat at the moment because the putrescence hurts so much.

There's a particularly nasty one at the back on one side that wobbles and makes me practically hit the ceiling if ever I (accidentally) bite down on the rotter!

And on Monday all these problems shall be gone!!

Is this too good to be true?

Read what I have to say on Monday, and see!!


  1. So HAPPY for you, Gledds. This is great news!



  2. Good stuff!

    I finally got my insurance through work and had to get a bunch of work done including the dreaded root canal. Was supposed to go today for a cleaning but who the F wants to do that on a Friday?????

    Your pictures of hamsters kill me..

  3. You do realise how lucky you are to have free dental care over there? Ours is subsidised but outside the Medicare system so it costs a bomb! I've still got a broken molar but because it doesn't hurt, I've put off having hit fixed for a while. Good luck.

  4. SB: I'll let ya know Monday how shyte I feel ~ hahaa!!

    Reeny: I know how you feel. But I cannot miss this appt, even though the tooth waxes and wanes in its unpopularity... nasty business!

    Baino: Yes I do realize a LOT because I know how expensive dentistry is... if I had to pay I don't think I would EVER go, no matter how bad it got. I would yank it myself or commit suicide.

  5. Hi Gleds ~~ Good luck on Monday and I am so glad you are having your teeth fixed. Thank you so much for your comments first about the storm we had that left a trampoline up in a tree. And I think with the floods in Q'ld and N.S.W. the drought must be over at last. I hope so. People don't farm in the outback where there is only deserts, but they do have huge stations or ranches of cattle and sheep inland from the coast. Most of our population is around the coastline. The Thorn Birds was a great book (and film) by Colleen
    McCullock- btw she is going blind which is a shame. It does feel like Autumn here and gets dark earlier and no really hot days.
    Thanks for your comments on Peter's post explaining my absence
    I really hated not having the Net
    and was all but climbing the walls
    No I wasn't downloading Bananarama
    though I didn't mind their music.
    I think you would be better to get the hamsters you know, than fragile
    ones. I hope you are doing well
    with the Meths program.Take care,
    my friend, All the best for the dentist. Don't post until Tuesday
    when you will feel better.
    Your friend in OZ, Merle.

  6. Hope the dentist appointment goes well. Thanks for your kind comment whilst I've been absent m'deario. x


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