Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Furry Swine!

YES! These fuzzy pigs are evidently for real...

And how's this for a tubby furry swine...

An interesting specimen. This one looks like it speaks Chinese...
(No I'm not being racist; I'm saying it looks like a piece of Chinese art:)

A furry wild boar:

Oh no! This one's a wombat!

Oh no! A vole!

... No fur at all!

Oh well...!


  1. I think voles are cute. I had one nearly attack me in my back yard one day. Fucker was aggressive.

  2. I like those furry swine. They look like they interbred with sheep!

  3. Those furry swines are driving me wombatty.


    Maybe not.

  4. Not a swine. It's a porky terrier.


    Time for a face palm.

  5. Your piggies look like poogles, I wonder if they're hyperallergenic! And wombats are INCREDIBLY soft, they don't look it but very cuggly.

  6. Furry pigs. I wonder if they shear them and if they're shorn, would it be wool or hair??? Just a thought...

    To be quite honest, I think I prefer my pigs not quite so hairy.

  7. Perhaps they are proto-Porkshire terriers!

    I have to say I wondered whether the fur from the ones right up top would make very good knitting wool...

  8. I've never seen pigs like that before
    they have a look of King George III about them ;)


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