Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I want one!

A chinchillafurred akita-inu 秋田犬 like the nuzzlybozed wisefaced kindly brindly one who silently came to me and said doggie hello on Monday morning. On thinking about it, I realized they are my ideal type of dog with 1: incredibly beautiful fur and 2: nice looks and 3: unlike most pretty dogs these are renowned as guard dogs and protectors. You need protection these days in a horrible place like London.

I'd especially like one with ultrafluffy fur like this one:

O you are joking, I looked it up and this one's from North London and going FREE...

Now I've got to go before I pine to death!!


  1. They are sooooo cute! I wonder if Alex would let me have one?

  2. The cuteness is overwhelming.



  3. I hope that you get an animal. I can tell from your posts how much you love them.

  4. That little fellow would be very hard to resist!!! Did you get him? How cute is he!!!!

  5. How wonderful.. I just lost my dear dog. I hope you get your dog. They are the best companions. Unconditional love all the way Gleds..I am starting my dog shopping this week. Without my dog I feel like a limb is missing...Go for it my friend.

  6. What a furry tonkey darby doggie...

    You know I'm not sposed to have ANY PETS AT ALL in my place... or most rented accommodation places.

    Maybe they'd let me off if the doggie were such a cutie....


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