Saturday, March 06, 2010

My brains are turning into:

GUM HEALTH gel. Bonjela Cool Mint Gel contains the active ingredients: Choline salicylate 8.714% w/w (a non-steroidal antiinflamatory) and cetalkonium chloride 0.01% (antiseptic) w/w...

And I'm popping:

like they're going out of fashion.

If the problem were:

instead of just gums I'd be all up for using:

and yanking the offending one(s) out myself... but as it is, it's

and a trip to the

for me!

And in case you want something furry because it's "Friday on Saturday" here's a polar bear stuck on a melting ice floe. I know just how he/she feels:


  1. Sorry to hear you're in pain Gleds, I hope you get it sorted soon. x

  2. ewww, I know all about tooth pain, had to get one extracted last year.

  3. God I hope your teeth don't look that bad! Better popping ibuprofin than herion!

  4. Ugh*!* too much graphic discomfort in that picture for me *!* Hope you get some relief to your dental/gum pain Gleds.

  5. Mein Gott!!! I don't like the look of those teeth at all. I sincerely hope yours are a trifle better than that, Gleds. Still, the dentist will fix you up quick smart.

    Good luck!

  6. Nasty. Hope you get sorted soon.

    George stole and ate 1 pound (I suppose 500g really!) of pure English butter yesterday! Then got us up twice in the night so he could go out and poo!

  7. In this day and age no ones mouth should ever look that bad. Blech!

    I just went to the dentist and I'm happy to report I got a clean bill of health.

    Do you have a dental appoint yet? It sounds like you need one, bad.


  8. Good luck at the dentist, my friend. Nobody likes going to the damn dentist.

    Love, SB

  9. AKELAMALU: much better today. And not even been to "darned" dentist yet!!

    LAURA: wish I had the guts to pull ALL my teeth out and be done with 'em. I HATE TEETH!!!!

    neither heroin nor ibuprofen had very much effect, even when I went x3 past the recommended dose on the latter. So much for medicines of any kind. I needed a "central line" as anaesthetists call it and a bucket full of IV fentanyl!!!

    But hopefully all that crap is over and done with :-)

    BIMBIMBIE: hope to have a dentist appointment by the end of the week...

  10. PUSSINBOOTS: MY gums actually look too WHITE rather than red... dunno what that means... maybe they're slightly blistered. I dunno. But though it's agony it looks FAR from impressive... no idea at all what's wrong. No pus. No tumours to be seen. No impressive external symptoms AT ALL...

    What a swine that George is!!!

    JANICE: I'm gonna get one tomorrow. I spent my energies obtaining "symptomatic relief" from pain over the weekend. The Corsodyl anti gingivitis mouthwash worked a treat...

    SB: British dentists are ridiculously difficult to find. Unless you wanna PAY about £100 per extraction. And I need about 25 of 'em!!!

  11. I don't think that I've ever seen anyone with teeth like that. It is truly sick. The poor polar bear--extinction seems on the horizon unless something is done.

  12. What on earth that person had done to get teeth like that I've absolutely no idea and I dread to think...


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