Thursday, March 04, 2010

A Perky Hello!

FROM the roborovskis and me, while I still tap in an extraordinarily long post about my own depression that won't be finished till tomorrow afternoon... Till then, keep smiling!!



  1. Have you gotten more little Sphericals? They are very cute.

  2. What cute photos.

    Love you, Gledds.

  3. No more! I don't even know where to buy them, except the last shop which took an ENTIRE AFTERNOON to get too and from. It's not even on the tube network (how primitive!)...

    When I do I shall be posting them all the time. I will use camera phone to up- or down- load actual pictures to the internet. If I ever learn how...

  4. Hey there Gleds! How are you? I'm hoping that by the time you finish writing that post about your depression it will have totally lifted.

    Take care.

  5. Hi Gleds ~~ I am sorry you are depressed and hope after the dental
    visit that it will pass. Look after yourself my friend. Have a good week.
    Regards, Merle.

  6. JMB: I don't know whether I'm making too much of a big deal out of that depression... because it's lifted slightly... Having said that it WAS quite bad... I looked visibly frayed round the edges from not having eaten a proper meal in over a month so yeah... it was quite bad. I posted on it today...

    Thanks Merle I am a bit better actually. WAHEY!!!!!


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