Saturday, March 27, 2010

Shreddy-munching chin says:

"Have a cheery weekend, y'all!"

Back by Monday!! (By which time my nasty root-canal tooth shoulda been YANKED!!


  1. ouch! hope it all went ok!

    (your blog seems to be making nasty dial-up kind of noises on my computer, just fyi.....)

  2. Yes, I got those funny noises as well!

  3. Oooh, I hope your trip to the dentist isn't too painful. Good luck, Gleds!

  4. What on earth the funny noises might be I've no idea. Is it still doing it today? I can't hear as I'm in a library where all the machines are muted!

    I'll leave a full dental report this afternoon, if I can face it. If not, tomorrow!


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