Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring's A-sprung!

THE WEATHER here in London is beautiful, but I haven't got a camera. So here instead is the 日本の春 Japanese springtime!

Mount Fuji 富士山 through the famous cherry blossom...

Japan's interior images are serene and beautiful.
Taishō Pond 大正池 in Kamikōchi Valley 上高地の谷, central Honshu 本州. Mount Hotaka 穂高岳, highest in the Hida Range 飛騨山脈, also known as the Northern Japanese Alps 日本の北部のアルプス, is in the centre background.

Sublime cherry blossoms 吉野の桜, Mount Yoshino 吉野山 near Nara 奈良市, Japan's ancient capital AD 710-784:

Isn't this amazing!!


  1. So purty. I love cherry blossoms. There aren't many in Toronto :( This year we are planning on heading to High Park for a picnic when they bloom which is usually in April.

    Enjoy the weather!

  2. Glad that your weather is good. It is nice here too.

  3. The weather 'oop north has been fabulous today too. :)

  4. No blossoms out yet, but a gorgeous day...


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