Friday, May 14, 2010

Down with the OSPCA

According to my Toronto Correspondent, the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals have slaughtered 99 of their own rescue pets! And another 250 are waiting to be killed!

All of the animals were up for adoption; some had been reserved by happy families who had scheduled dates to take their new pets home.

According to the OSPCA, which is only too happy to step in and prosecute what IT considers cruel, the reason for this "cull" is... (wait for it)... an outbreak of RINGWORM! And even healthy animals are scheduled to be put down.

OSPCA's loyal staff and volunteers have kidnapped and purloined 15 doggies and cats... but the fate of the other 236 hangs in the balance. A temporary stop on the slaughter has been ordained while the organization try to solve the PR nightmare they've brought down on themselves...

Ringworm, apparently, is too serious a disease to bother treating in a humane way.

Well that being so, let's hope the OSPCA's director catches it, then someone can chop her head off and see how she likes it!

Toronto Star report
Toronto Sun report
OSPCA's website


  1. awww thats so sweet of u to bring this up!
    yeah ive been trying since tuesday to take in a cat but they wont let anyone adopt, even the healthy animals.
    it all comes down to money, it's cheaper to just kill all 350 animals instead of testing them and treating the sick,and saving the ones that are not sick. but because there has been such uproar they are kinda halting the slaughter, like i said "only" 99 have been killed the past 2 days.

  2. here is link to the website of the OSPCA in question
    and of course since monday there has been thousands of news articles and reports following this story

  3. The link never came through...

    One of the news reports said it was a "particularly virulent strain of ringworm" ~~ how virulent can ringworm get?

  4. You will be pleased to know that it looks like they are now taking the next two months to treat the animals who are affected. S'pose the public humiliation tactic worked. The sad thing is this is totally out of character for the Newmarket OSPCA.... The location is beautiful with large CLEAN living environments, access to some of the best small and large animal vets in the province, dedicated staff and a healthy volunteer community. This really truley did shock me.

  5. Hi Gleds ~~ That sounds just awful -
    and they are supposed to rescue and care for animals. Poor little things
    There seems to always be bad news around the world.
    For a bit of good news, Jessica the 16 year old who sailed around the world solo gets home tomorrow. She faced some very rough seas.
    I don't like the sound of a sleeping pill derived from cat's sleep hormone.
    Thanks for your good wishes about my health and I am so glad no op at present. See what6 months bring.
    Take care, my friend,Regards,Merle.

  6. I agree, love. For shame.

    Have a terrific weekend.


  7. Reeny: well I'm glad at last they're seeing sense, even if it did take the intervention of the public...

    Merle: Hi Merle!
    Is Jessica Australian? I saw something about an English boy who did a similar voyage ~ I'm pretty sure it was worldwide too... The Southern Ocean looks particularly formidable, "Pacific" is definitely the wrong word here; apparently they have 60ft waves as a matter of course, swilling round and round the bottom of the world with no land to stop them. I saw the film; as the voice-over pointed out at 16 you've probably never been alone for more than a few hours ~ these kids are out there with no human company for weeks and weeks ~ tears, private tantrums, the lot...
    I'm glad you're OK ;->...

    SB: hey maybe now those poor furries will live to see the weekend out!

  8. Oh, that's terrible. I am so upset.

  9. Welshcakes: :-<...

    Syd:... which is what OSPCA and their ilk are supposedly there to do. And I really can't believe they actually put at least one dog down who was signed up, waiting to go home with a family. How on earth can anyone justify that..?

  10. yeah that was SAGO the german shepperd, adopting at OSPCA is not easy you have to fill out many forms,and sit through a proper interview, you have to give information such as your job, how you live etc etc then they call you if they think you are a match, one animal may have more than one person that wants to adopt it so you may not get the pet even after all that, this guy went through all that and was ready to pick up SAGO and they killed him on tuesday.The owner was very very upset.
    he had taken pics of SAGO and after the news went to the media with his story.

    i mean its good they screen the people so well that way you know the animal will go to a (probably) good home. I mean at the THS u go in pick an animal pay $20 and they give it to u that same day, its almost too easy.

  11. Gledwood: I just posted a rant that was written by my animals activist friend...go and read it....

  12. Kat'rina-Sweden: poor Sago... poor guy.

    They have similarly stringent protocol for adopting rescue pets over here... Sometimes I do think they are going OTT when just anyone can pick up a "normal" puppy or kitten no questions asked, they've got all these animals some with behaviour problems others not necessarily the prettiest and they're making it HARDER to take 'em home... on the other hand it's perfectly right to make sure a poor furry who's been let down once is never ever abandoned ever again :-/

    Elaine-Reeny: thanks I'm on my way ...

  13. im posted a follow up comment but it didnt post and i got annoyed ok so ill re type.

    i def think shelters SHOULD make it harder to adopt, to screen more properly to ensure that the new ower is serious about the adoption, is a proper fit, and will ensure a good home, and a good match. The THS (toronto humane society) is notorious for not giving a flying fuck, 6?? years ago this guy got arrested for cruelty to animals after the police did some investigation it turned out that he had for years gone to the THS adopting cats, but because they dont do a proper interview, dont keep your name on file, or anything (like make you show ID etc) he had gotten away with it. So for years he had picked up these poor souls taken them home and tortured/killed them, he was skinning them alive and lit them on fire amongst many things. If the THS would have been more strict they would have noticed that this went on. I thought after that fiasco they would have changed, but when i went there 3 years ago, i saw mango told her i wanted her, they told me to pay $20 and i filled out a one page form (basically just name and address which i could have lied because they asked for no ID or proof of address) and they put her in a box and off i went in all it took 10 minutes.
    and thats just not the right way for a shelter to handle adoptions.

  14. yeah I know, those animals have been through enough

  15. Seems very drastic. Ringworm is common and treatable but very contagious! I'm glad they saw sense and put a halt to it. Mind you euthanasing dogs that have already been assigned to owners is downright stupid. Let the owners deal with the ringworm! Makes you wonder sometimes. Then there's a sad human footnote here. All those surrendered dogs! Irresponsible pet ownership.

  16. This treatment is status quo at least in NJ. Nothing new. You can only scream so long before you realize no one cares.

  17. i know ideals + behaviour dont always match but this caseis shocking; killing someone's dog before they could take it home!? Who do they think they are??

  18. Makes me mad and sad and as Baino says if people did the right thing by their pets in the first place shelters would be a thing of the past :(

  19. Akelamalu: :-<...

    Bimbimbie: Exactly! Someone wrote a comment on my friend's blog saying there should be no backroom breeders and nobody should buy animals from pet shops. But I got my roborovskis from a pet shop (they were hard enough to find in London and I've never seen roborovski hamsters up for rehoming) and it is only natural that animals should have babies. I know some people do take the **** but my feelings about neutering are, well, mixed to say the least...


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