Saturday, May 15, 2010

In memoriam: Sago


HERE IS THE POOR GERMAN SHEPHERD who had already been adopted by a family but not collected.

Next thing they knew, thanks to the OSPCA RINGWORM SCANDAL the poor doggie was DEAD!

I still think they are cheapskate barbarians for doing this, but here is an alternative view...

Sago the Alsatian picture: from Tailspin blog


  1. There is always another side. I try not to pass judgment when all I've heard is one - unless it's very clear cut. I've never had to deal with ringworm although I knew a little girl who had it once and it was quite a while before it was cleared up. Dealing with that huge number of animals would have been overwhelming. It's hard enough to deal with fleas.

  2. I know... but it IS only ringworm.
    Euthanasia in animals is over-used. It should, in my opinion, only be an option where if a person were suffering that badly you would reluctantly have THEM killed (if it were legally availalbe)... no matter how bad it gets, I don't think ringworm is ever going to put an animal in that category

  3. Remember Gled your great!!! I wish I could take in as much information as you can and process it all. I still want to fly across the pond and live with you. But I'm crazy and abnormal, not really the best roomate.

    In America it is called the ASPCA. What does the O stand for?

    Anna Grace

  4. Hi Anna G
    You're right you're crazy all right but I love ya :->...
    I did read the roommate comment but it was late and I wasn't sure how serious you were being. You would have to leave your dog behind!
    ASPCA: American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals?
    Our British one's the RSPCA, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals... I used to wholly support them but even these lot I feel they've been interfereing where they're not wanted. Thankfully they haven't had dumb animals put down for a SKIN DISEASED. I still can't get over that the OSPCA even considered that let alone did it.
    Take care Anna G
    x x

  5. Anna Grace the O in OSPCA is for ONTARIO (canada)ontario society for prevention of cruelty to animals

  6. Very sad. Ringworm isn't that bad but demodex mange is terrible.


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