Sunday, May 30, 2010

No drugs for dinner


Not for that...
I've food on the brains.

These Fox's Viennese chocolate melts...

...were very nice dunked in tea the other morning.

Flapper usually isn't far from his cherry tree or the neighbours' luxury TV aerial 10 houses down. When he sees me he takes off... Flapper by name, Flapper by nature...

Chinese chicken curry is calling my name!
But at £6.20 with egg fry rice it's too expensive, and it's too late in the day for a combination box...

So I'm going Southern Fried instead!


  1. Now you gone and made hungy as well.Chio!

  2. The chicken was really nice. They actually had breast pieces in there, which is unusual for cheapo chicken shops. The chips were soggy and horrible. I've had wet cardboard that was more palatable!

  3. Food seems far more expensive in Britain than over here. Don't recall the last time I ate KFC. Won't likely want it for a good long time yet either. But compared with the Chinese, I'm sure it's a bargain and I would change my mind pretty quick and not be such a snob.

  4. The Chinese chicken curry looked much better than the UK southern fried chicken with drippy soggy chips. Are drippy soggy chips the only side you get with the UK southern fried chicken?

  5. How do you always get so many photos on your blog, but don't bother to put one of youself up on the blog. You know what I'm going to look at all your blogs and I'm hunting for a photo of you.

    Just so you know I don't give a fuck what you look like, I'd still love you if you were 500kilos, and not a tooth in your mouth, bald as a cue ball.

    I'd go for the fried chicken. Chicken and chips are very good. You call french fries, chips right? That's so silly to me. When I move there with you, you will have to get used to calling them french fries. Even though I'll mimic you accent uncousiously. You must be terrified of me moving myself half way around the world to live with a man I don't know who dosen't even want me for a roomate. I swear I'd pay half the rent. Just so you know.

  6. JEANNIE: food is definitely more expensive ~ e.g. the McDonald's $1 menu was £1 and double cheeseburgers are now £1.29 ~ also if you want just a Big Mac or Whopper it is something like £3 ~ yes FIVE DOLLARS just for the burger hang on maybe that is the meal... I wouldn't know it's too expensive. They had the temerity to put up a TV ad saying "Indian?... Chinese?... MacDonalds!" Every time I hear that I think to myself what better value Chinese is. The combination box is chicken curry/egg fry rice in one large container for just under £4. Still I am offended. Back in the day when I first got addicted to chicken curry egg fry rice it was £3.20... I will never forget the time I trusted an idiot's partner to get it for me... came back with BOILED RICE ~ still unforgiven 18 years later!!!!!

    The chicken wasn't KFC it was cheapo slightly spicier alternative. Cannot for the life of me remember the shop's name they're all the same

    MOLSON: you can also get chicken strips in a bun, which I wish I had now. Also coleslaw. But mostly it's combinations of chicken & fries. The reason they came out horrible is the Mauritian woman serving didn't fry them properly. They're meant to be dunked x2 and I'm sure she only did x1

    ANNA G: yeah they do call it fries on the menu but at home people say they got "chips". Over here Fries usually mean industrial chips that are skinny and not as nice. Fish and chip shops do thicker chips crispy on the outside fluffy on the inside.

    Re photographs I use wikisource ones you know that people put up as freeware and anyone can borrow. That's how I get such close-ups of pigeons who look like Flapper. i would be out all day otherwise like a stalker, probably being arrested for taking pictures of the neighbour's roof etc etc

    Forget London this is my idea, we can do New York. I will save the airfare by doing temporary body swap with Flapper and gliding across. We can get an apartment in a brownstone on Central Park West. The San Remo building would be good. Otherwise a big huge industrial loft in that cool area that is like Covent Garden/Soho ~ Alphabet City? I would like to go down New Avenue L where the Portuguese women come to see what you sell...

  7. Hi Gleds ~~ Thank you so much for the B'day greetings. I had a great week with lots going on, visitors and cards etc. And the lovely flowers my granddaughter sent me with
    the teddy bears.
    I hope you are doing well yourself. Being hungry might be a good sign.
    Take care, my friend, Cheers, Merle.

  8. New York sounds perfect. That's a great way to save air fare, but how am I going to get there? Ride your back?

    Now where is the flppin photo? Are you flapper, you are putting photos of your self up, and if you look in flapper's eyes you have photo shopped a picture of yourself in it and it just looks like a reflection in his eye barley noticeable. So you have to look real close. I'm on my over to see if my creative idea is true.

    This is from Anna Grace Young, I''m posting under my mom's blog. Which btw she only has one post.

  9. I love fried chicken. An excellent choice, that.



  10. Anna G: here's what I look like. Highlight this link and drop into the top bar and you'll see. With complete biography of myself...

    Merle: I'm glad you had a good day and I'm sorry I haven't been round for a while ~ whenever you post the Blogger Follower facility is suposed to flag it up, except it never seems to. I get blogs about flowers and cakemaking but never the ones I really want on it. I think some e-spring-cleaning is required...

    CE: yeah but Anna those pictures of Flapper are only lookey-likey ones, unless I turned into a poltergeist and mystically took them via someone else's body. I dunno... Note some "Flapper"s have more rainbowy neck. The actual flapper looks just like the bird landing on the pine tree on the Where's Flapper post. Flapper has no rainbow feathers at all, but a prominent white sash on the neck. I think the semi-rainbowy Flappers are some sort of crossbred pigeon. Flapper is a proper Wood Pigeon, not a street pigeon. Also he has been cooing away ALL DAY driving me nuts, the feathery swine!!

    SB: yesterday they looked at me all weird when I came in saying I'll just have chicken burgers, no chips. I didn't tell them their chips are crap. They probably know that anyhow...

  11. GLEDWOOD!!1

    I'm dissapointed that you led me to a Kurt Cobain site. I like you not Kurt Cobain, I want to see you.
    Dosen't it hurt more when someone says their "dissapointed" in you as apposed to their "mad" at you.
    Well, I do like Kurt Cobain, but he's dead, and I know you have photos of yourself so just let me see.
    Do you think I'll be scared off or dissapointed that you look diffrent than you described yourself? Believe me I really don't care what you look like. I'm just beyond curious.(spelling erros I'm sorry there is no damn spell check for comments)

    I'll send you a naked photo of me if you send me a just a regular old headshot of yourself. just e-mail it to me.

  12. glad you enjoyed your chicken... :-)

  13. How do you always manage to get so many photos on your blog. I hope you are doing well yourself. Being hungry might be a good sign.

  14. Nothing like some southern fried chicken. My mother used to make the best!

  15. By watching these pics I am too going hungry. This seems to be very yummy foods and snacks.


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