Sunday, June 06, 2010


FLAPPER THE WOOD PIGEON's persistent cooing has finally been rewarded. Yes, a new tubby cooer has appeared on our street! The two portly pigeons sit on opposite aerials cooing mindlessly at one another. Some mysterious love-dove courtship ritual appears to be underway as I've yet to see them perched together... (The photograph is courtesy of FlickRiver Nature Reserve: you can see some marvellous stuff there.) Full updates to come!

I'm writing one of my long druggie posts but it's not finished and I didn't want to post it today. So tomorrow, you know what not to read, haha!!

O bloody hell more cooing. I can hear it now. When will those two birdbrains shut up??!?


  1. I find pigeon cooing to be among the most annoying of bird noises.

  2. Aye!~~ It's hardly a "song" is it...

    then again in woodland, the constant coo-coo-ing is the hallmark soundtrack to a hot English summer day. A lot of people think that noise is a cuckoo, but the cuckoo drops tone high-low. The woodpigeon is equal-toned.

    Ooo. I know so much about birdsong now don't I!!??!

  3. Nice. They are in love and telling each other and everyone else too.

  4. Just my luck it is two boys or two girls cooing desperately in search of a flock!!

    That's the only explanation I can think of why they aren't sitting together.

    They must have quite a loud coo ~ attracting other woodpigeons from hundreds of yards distance.

    I know they're not the sharpest beaks in the peckery but they're not schoopid either ~ ie they keep well away from the coo-drowning hullaballoo of the main road and stick to their luxury coo-broadcasting high-up aerials on respective sides of my street, the bird-brains!


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