Monday, June 07, 2010

A flock of pigeons, Evil Mr Fox

Just a feathery fantasy. They aren't actually doing this. Just perching on opposite terraced roofs and aerials coo-coo-cooooooing unendingly!

YES, my pair of pigeons appears gradually to be forming a flock. I'm pretty sure we now have three if not four of the portly pigeons gathered on my road. No hot pigeon pash though. No paired-off coo-banter. It's like one of those 1950s dances: boys one side, girls the other. Nobody daring to be the first to hit the floor ...

Other points: here is a really good feel-good blog post.
Statistically X people love you in the world... x people rely on you... you are unique and valuable...


A not-so-fantastic Mr Fox
~ sneaked from a back garden, through French windows, into the dining room of a "posh £1,000,000 house" in innercity Hackney, North-East London, padded silently upstairs and savaged twin toddling little girls so badly they are still in hospital today covered in bites and lacerations to face and arms.

A "humane" fox-trapping cage, baited with food, placed by the fateful patio doors has already "retained" one furry suspect...

Police say the bushy-tailed reprobate is in custody of the RSPCA, waiting to be punished and killed.

Foxes are perhaps our British equivalent to North America's raccoons, though I would say they are considerably more wily and a little standoffish compared to those catfood-guzzling 'coons.

It is not at all unusual to see a slim red dog trotting down the middle of the road at 4am. Look twice and you realize this is no doggie, it's a fox!

Foxes are notorious for raiding farmers' chicken sheds, where instead of selecting one choice, tasty bird they slay every single one just to be sure ~ and make trips back and forth over and over to stash the dead hens where they hope other foxes won't gobble them down first.

The vulgar vixens also attack pet rabbits, cats, even small dogs. They rip open rubbish sacks, strewing the street with tin-cans which the rats then clamber into. Soon there is a wildlife jamboree with blackbirds, starlings (in season) blue tits, great tits, nut-hatches, greenfinches and even Flapper the wood pigeon and his kind fluttering down from neighbouring cherry trees for a peck-about.

Residents of Hackney say the usually reserved-but-bold critters are becoming increasingly daring. Sneaking into living rooms. Raiding kitchens. Nudging open refrigerators with pointy noses to emerge coleslaw-footprinted and yoghurty-nosed, garlanded with strings of chipolatas chomping on piri-piri roast chicken legs à la Attila the Hun.

OK slight word-painterly exaggeration but the gist is true. The neighbours said they're sneaking into houses all the time.

I hope those poor little girls are going to be OK. The red-furred robber apparently left the two girls' younger brother sleeping peacefully in his cot in the next room... Thank Heaven for small mercies..!

STOP PRESS: 7PM MONDAY one twin transferred to Great Ormond Street, specialist paediatric hospital this evening "for further treatment". Both girl's condition is said to be serious, but they're out of immediate danger.

Here's a good read:
There is no Hero in Heroin blog.
I've been reading about addiction "from the other side" quite a lot of late... An Addict in my Son's Bedroom, Mom vs Heroin, Hurting Parents: Addicted Son, Mom Trying to Detach with Love... and so on... searing stuff...

Re my promised Druggie Post, you'll have to wait till tomorrow, you'll surely be glad to learn :-)

PS the Cute Overload blog is good today ....

PPS: blog of the day ~ here's a good one. Tina B makes her own beads fired in funky glass... but how does she do it... and how does she sprechen such gutes Deutsch? I've no idea....


  1. i love foxes i dont care if they eat small babies, babies smell like poop and scream too much anyway, im on the fox side

  2. !!!!!!!

    Foxes are seriously out of favour today (probably till the day after tomorrow) following this verminous attack...

    Vanessa Feltz did a 3-hour phone in the other day about tame wildlife... people handfeeding magpies etc etc. No actually it was a pied wagtail, which is like a mini-magpie, a very flighty bird (like a feathery roborovski more than anything else) they run rapidly along concrete flats, have a strange flight where they drop up and down, like a pile of feathers tossed by the wind... and this guy managed to feed one by HAND!

    In this phone-in, foxes came out about 50:50 popular/unpopular; adored or hated

    I like foxes though it does annoy me when they rifle my luggage ~~ durrgh! Luggage! Baggage?! I mean bags of RUBBISH ~ GARBAGE. TRASH. The wily swines!!

  3. Hey Gledwood,

    Thanks for the visit & comment on ReTorte! Always nice to hear from new people.

    I also have an "every day" blog on WordPress,

    You have one of the most comprehensive side bars I've ever seen!

  4. "Comprehensive" is one way of putting it..! Thanks I'll go have a look at that other address ;-)

  5. Thanks for the visit today, much appreciated, as well as the link to my other blog.

    You were right about "Cute Overload".

  6. You're welcome!

    Your picture reminds me of my old black cat Constable Growler!!

  7. We have coyotes venturing into backyards here in the Lower Mainland of BC.

    I'm glad you're a bird watcher (like me) gleds. I have "pet" crows at work that come for lunch. I have two at home as well - Pablo & Tony. They perch outside my living room window and stare at me while I'm on the computer. It's like the bird take out window, as I throw them bits of rice and noodles out.

    I plan on checking in more...don't want to lose touch with you!

  8. I read the story about that fox too... I hope the girls get well soon... The fox should've been kill at sight, it's a shame that it is still alive uptil now.


  9. Gledds,
    I read about the fox attack. Wild. I have never heard of such a thing. It's a shame they are trapping and putting them down.



  10. The fox attack was horrific - I so feel for the little twins and their parents. :(

  11. There's a photo of the family's dog on Nick Koupparis' facebook page Anyone know where the dog was when all this was going on?

  12. They're very urbane that's for sure but haven't heard of them actually going into houses before, very bold! Of course they're feral here so $2 a tail . . if you can catch em

  13. DEBBIE: coyotes! That's what I should have said. Yeah that is our equivalent, a fox and a coyote. Difference being that Mr Coyote probably never popped up as a popular character in children's books like Mr Fox did, that's quite probably one big reason why people like them so!!

    O yeah I love the birds. Hardly know anything about them though (not really). Wish I knew more. Also wish I could see them more. Need to get a proper feeder :-)

    EAGLE: I'm not 100% sure but I think they might have killed the fox. Far as I know those girls are STILL in hospital on Tuesday

    SB: I know. Probably a 1-off situation as well :-(

    MIZPEH: Where the dog was? no idea. Probaby fast asleep, the dopey swine!

    AKELAMALU: horrible ;-(

    BAINO: do they actually give $2? Or anything at all? Or is that a figure of speech?... I never can be sure of anytying these days...

  14. I once saw a pair of foxes carrying a cane brake rattlesnake. What a potent totem that was!

  15. Don't you get a different type of fox in America? Because I once posted about how they go through our bins and got replies back saying usually only raccoons do that... Well whatever type they were they were sure brave!

  16. That was dreadful, wasn't it? Do you know the story of Gelert, after whom Beddgelert is named?

  17. Yes!
    I was thinking of doing a post on that, when my Faithful Doggies theme was running....


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