Saturday, June 05, 2010

Not furry


I could think of nothing furry at all to post today. So here's a poor raccoon with no fur. Seems to survive OK, but:~

According to the Ugly Overload blog, this poor creature, resident in the suburbs of Toronto, Canada has been thoughtfully named "Baldy" by the householders who feed her. They say she started losing her fur two years ago, but has since given birth to ordinary babies.
Her coatlessness doesn't seem to be too much of a problem. I expect she is used to feeling exposed and windswept and cold.
But I just feel sorry for her. Poor, poor swine ...


  1. Ooh, poor bald critter. And Canada gets real cold, especially with no fur coat on.


  2. Oh that poor raccoon. I wonder how she gets on in the winter. Maybe somewhat has knitted her a coat...

  3. I wish someone would knit her a coat, or do something. But maybe it's crueller to take her out of the wild, where she's obviously being fed and surviving... and she doesn't appear to be suffering... or even particularly cold, but how can we possibly know...?...


  4. that raccoon is just down the street from me, i dont know if she is around though....animal control were planning on catching her and take her in since she probably will not survive winter with no fur

  5. The poor swine!

    I heard the local newspaper are following her story (I haven't looked, I saw her on Youtube a year ago and read about her in Ugly Overload blog...)

    I hope she is OK. She must be so, so cold like that, poor darling

  6. I feel sorry for her too.

  7. I wish someone could do something for the poor animal. Maybe Animal Protection did get hold of her and keep her somewhere warmer, indoors. I hope, if she is there though, that she likes it, the poor dear

  8. This raccoon is disturbing to say the least... poor thing it must of have a cold winter!


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