Thursday, June 10, 2010

Robin chirping its head off in bush....

On again with my birdsong theme.

Here's a robin having a chirp on a twig with water glistering attractively behind...

The song seems to me even more intricate than Tuesday's blackbird's or yesterday's thrush's.

See what you think:

Noch weiter mit dem Vogellieder-Thema.

Hier gibt's ein Rotkelchen, das auf einem Zweig zirpt, mit glanzvollem Wasser dahinter.

Mir scheint das lied noch verwickelter als die Amsel von Dienstag oder die Drossel von Gestern.

Was denken Sie...?*

*Franziska, Gattina und andere Deutsch-sprechender ~ bitte hilft Ihr mich!
Ist meine Grammatik korrekt?
Ist das die richtige Übersetzung?


  1. Are you spending the night in a cyber café or do you have an own computer now ?
    Here is your corrected sentence

    Ich verstehe nicht genau was zu tun. Sollte ich dann die Geld-Bilder auf mein eigenem Blog posten?

    Soll ich Geldbilder auf meinen eigenen Blog "posten" (that's not really German, but used as many English words)

    Yes, that's what I said. A photo of your wallet and some bank notes and coins, lol !

  2. Lieber Gledwood
    Da bin ich nun. :-) Schön bei Dir! Muss aber wohl noch ein bisschen mein Englisch aufpolieren. :-)
    Dann stöbere ich jetzt mal in Deinem Blog.
    Liebe Grüsse und mein Lächeln
    Franziska Sternenzauber

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Gattina: Ach Scheiße! Ich wußte, ich wurde einigen Fehlern machen!

    Vielen Danke, Gattina. Ich brauchte nur eine Ausflucht etwas auf Deutsch zu tippen. Wo anders könnte ich die Bilder wirklich ankleben?

    (And I bet there's at least one mistake there, too!)

    Meine Grammatik ist so schlecht, dass ich schnell vermutete, dass ich keinen Kursus bis zwei oder drei Jahren anfangen könnte! Nach mehr als 25 Jahren montieren die Beugungen immer noch nicht im Gehirn!

  5. Herzlich Willkommen Franziska! Jeden tag poste ich meistens einige Bilder. Von jetzt an werde ich besonders für Dich ein Bisschen Deutch darunter schreiben!

    Vor zwei oder drei Tage fand ich deinen Blog, aber dann dachte ich, ich hatte Dich irgendwo im Netz verloren! Dann Gestern klikte ich an dem Blog Deiner Freundin ~ und was Glück! ~ da warst Du in der Kommentarzone!

    Also noch einmal viele Grüßen!

    (Es tut mir so leid das meine Grammatik so furchtbar sei!)

  6. You've reminded me: I'm supposed to be looking up some Latin. A friend wants a Latin tattoo saying either No retreat, no surrender or Today is a good day to die. And he wants them grammatically correct in Latin.

  7. No retreat, no surrender is apparently

    Nullus recessus, nulla traditio

    I think the null word alters due to the gender of the nouns...

  8. "Today is a good day to die" seems to be more difficult it is discussed here

    and here

    and here

    I hope that's a start for you /for him.

    I would make "darn" sure I had it right b4 I got anything tattooed on me, that's for sure!!

  9. Thanks, gleds. Yes, male -us and female -a.

    I think I need to do the sentence as 'today to die a good day is' because verbs go at the end. I'll look up your links though.

  10. I like the robin song. Your German is beyond me without a trusty dictionary.

  11. Liz: verbs at the end...? O yeah "dulce et decorum est"... I see what you mean. I wish I could speak Latin. To me, it doesn't look "foreign", so much as something very stately and noble that I ought to understand!!

    Syd: ah but how many years did you slog through in German? I think I've done about 6 years. This is why I say my German is terrible. It "should" be much better...

    German grammar I find fiendishly difficult. Far harder than Welsh or Japanese ever was, especially those declensions that I'm only now starting to feel I have some grasp of.
    I concentrated on getting a good passive understanding ~ of books, magazines, film and TV progs. Then the German is fun. I wanted to build on that to get to degree level (even if I don't do a degree)
    You can get it better Syd, all it takes is practice practice practice

    Joven: OK I'll come pay a visit. Take it easy ...

  12. Hi Gleds ~~ I liked all the bird songs, as I only have blackbirds around here, and sometimes a
    Willy Wagtail which has a nice call.
    It seems we are never happy about our weather.
    Glad you like the Bible story and jokes. I am glad you have your local
    Take-away sorted out.
    Take care, my friend. Regards, Merle.

  13. Merle: Hi I'm glad you're sounding well ;->...
    I am surprised you have blackbirds in Melbourne. There was me thinking they were English!! (Surely someone didn't actually go and export them Down Under because they missed the song?... Who knows??... Maybe they did!)

    Syd: I just remembered to say ~ if you can open Google translate from in another window that is v handy. I wouldn't dare use it to translate my comments though. Its grammar is even worse than mine (which is saying a LOT ;->...)

  14. Gledds,
    I didn't put your name to it, but I posted your comment from Anna's blog about Rush Limbaugh (Limbo). It cracked me up. Very perceptive of you. Hope you don't mind. Sadly, it is indeed a top-rated radio show over here. Rush is a big fat sweaty republican pig, and I DESPISE him. He is dumb as a tree.

    Love you!


  15. O no of course I don't mind, I'm most flattered it chimed in the Homeland!

    Ich liebe Dich auch ... as we say in der Schweiz (Switzerland)

  16. I would say "mit glänzendem Wasser"
    anyway word games are difficult to translate, "Tuesday's blackbird's or yesterday's thrush's" certainly has another meaning, but I am not very much poetry ! Ausserdem heisst es : "Helft mir" ! oder "Helfen Sie mir"
    To Morocco, you were 18 or 19 when you were in Morocco if you were there in 1991. Of course it has changed a lot but not the ruins.
    French is still the second official language and everybody who went to school speaks reads and writes it. Now anyway EVERYBODY has to go to school. Morocco was for year under French "Protection" not to say a colony.
    Since there the new king, everything has changed. Does a lot for his country and there is a big economical booming there especially in constructions, they built and built new buildings and houses everywhere. He also brought back all the money his father had put into accounts in Switzerland and Lichtenstein etc to help developping the very poor south.

  17. Don't answer my comments on your blog I never come back once I have commented otherwise I would spent the whole day by visiting blogs twice ! Send me an email if you have a question or you want an answer.
    I saw my name and noticed that you had answered me in German :

    "Meine Grammatik ist so schlecht, dass ich schnell vermutete, dass ich keinen Kursus bis zwei oder drei Jahren anfangen könnte! Nach mehr als 25 Jahren montieren die Beugungen immer noch nicht im Gehirn!"
    so muss es heissen : .... dass ich vermute keinen Kursus vor zwei oder drei Jahren anfangen zu können. Nach mehr als 25 (????) Jahren habe ich es immer noch nicht begriffen.
    Sorry but the Beugung im Gehirn, ist lustig !
    Your German is very good. Everybody makes mistakes and it is a difficult language when it is not your mother tongue ! I don't know anything in grammar !!

    BTW you are 36 according to your profile and started learning German more than 25 years ago ? then you were only 11 although I am very bad in calculations, lol ! There must be something wrong.


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