Sunday, November 14, 2010

To be or not to be?

Here's what Google Translate made of the famous speech from Shakespeare's Hamlet (English-Chinese Traditional, Back to English, into Thai and back to English again). I swear I never altered a single word, so how "pharmaceutical sciences" got in there I haven't a clue!

In order to survive or is this is a problem.
Whether it is a noble soul.
Slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.
Or, armed with a sea of trouble,.
Opposition and end? Die: sleep;
Sleep and by sleep to say we end.
Heart - thousands of research in pharmaceutical sciences and natural shocks.
Texture those who succeed.
Pious hope that the dead sleep;
Sleep: maybe to dream: it is life threatening;
Death of a dream come true for sleep
When we roll this salad man,.
We need to stop: with respect.
This will cause a disaster for long life;
For those who would bear the whips and scorn of the time.
Oppressors wrong people proud of their disdain,.
Profane love, pain, the laws of the delay.
Office of arrogance and rejection.
The patient is not worth attention,.
But to make your own.
Simple small dagger?


  1. Well that certainly turned into quite a muddle didn't it?


  2. Hahaha ! that's what I always say, Google's translation are all greek or chinese whatever you want in ALL languages ! I have such a fun with these translations !

  3. O that's so sucky sucky sucky!! "...maybe to dream???" Sucky. Haven't been blogging much, discovered Facebook and lost my senses.

  4. Janice: I'm pretty sure these translators have improved over the years. I put nearly the same post, a long time ago and using Babelfish, not Google and got something to do with "Lady Li" of an Asian Lake and metallic insects on wires!

    Gattina: it can actually translate into and out of English and French pretty nicely, considering it's a machine. I once tried reading the Thai press via Google and got nonsensical, really bad translations. Nowhere near the same league as French!
    that's one reason I was into Asian languages with a view to becoming an translator. Of course most people couldn't even input Chinese. And there's less likelihood of a computer taking my job!

    Hi Cathy you look vaguely familiar where do I know you from????? Ok probably nowhere. I tried facebook I really don't get it. People call it a blog and it's not a blog at all! Nothing like it. Just nothingness, unless you know the person already in which case I spose it's a way of keeping in touch. + you have to sign in even to read it, which really annoys me. I HATE signing in and out of things and avoid it as much as possible. I'm paranoid of some stranger stealing my nonexistent bank account in Tyrzanistan or Russia!


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