Wednesday, December 29, 2010

This is what I look like Anna

THIS is why I say I'm in a mess, Anna.

When I look in the mirror I see Worzel Gummidge.

I am in a terrible mess.

Worzel Gummidge looks better than me.

At least Worzel Gummidge got paid for being on TV.

PS this is what I look like in drag:

I wouldn't want to meet me down a dark alley!!


  1. I'll send you a digital camera, then you can send me pics of your Hamsters and of you.

    I feel like shit today too. I'm sure you more handsome than the photo you posted.

    I like you either way.

  2. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think I look fantastic. No I don't I look wrose than Worzel. John Pertwee needed hours of makeup to look like that. I just look like it anyway

  3. Well, your hair might need some conditioner or something. Looks a bit dry to me!

  4. Yesterday I had a complete meltdown when I looked through my Xmas photos. I looked nothing like I thought and instead was faced with a sick looking, fat, tired old drug addict.

    It shook me up so much that I'm going to do something about ... I have to!

    If only I looked as good as the photos you posted!

    Anyway, Merry Xmas Gleds and I hope you have a better 2011.

    Talk soon.

  5. SYD: I think I should cut it off and sell it to a local farmer. It should feed cows quite nicely. Or perhaps you could recycle it into paper...?

    TERRY: akh I never posted the addicts' Xmas did I but I did put up heroin. Did Worzel Gummidge come on Australian TV? We got Funky Squad which was brilliant. If you did get Worzel Gummidge then on behalf of Queen and country may I sincerely apologize

  6. You don't scare me, Gledwood. I would like to meet you one day.

  7. Be warned though. Usually I go for the drag look. With more dirt on my face

  8. I used to post about my Diana Ross fright wig all the time. it was electric blue end everything.

    The maggots are really exotic. When they hatch they turn into iridescent rainbow butterflies the size of small birds.

  9. I took the fright wig in my stride, probably looked no further. I'm awfully conventional and nice, we'll look fabulously incongruous together!

  10. OK I'll have to remember to bring a fright wig. What suits best: electric blue, luminous green, canary yellow or more-than-shocking pink~~~?

  11. .... I meant suits me not you. But you're welcome to the psychedelic spares if ya like!

  12. I'm looking forward to the blue. And not for me thanks, I think the contrasting look of sensible me and fabulous you will be more striking.


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