Friday, January 21, 2011

Getting some sleep

22:29 hours. I'm getting some sleep early tonight. I took the pill a while ago its working. Calmed down quite a lot in the afternoon. I "went off" into really intense buzzing twice, once in the morning, once in the afternoon. I need to rest, night night all.


  1. Have a good night. I am glad that you are not as manic as your last post. I hope you get some rest.

  2. hope the sleep worked its magic and that you wake feeling good,all the rubbish is messing with a lotta lives and peoples heads.hope saturday is an ok day 4u,all the best,lynn,previously known as another anonymous!

  3. good quality sleep and water. best cure 4 so many things and they free. why d we rack our brains when we only got one? or am i getting it wrong and its just |"rack my brain" or wreck my brains? that is so typical computer. it told me it was my b day when i switched on (who said i waana know) but it dont wish u a good un. miserable cold logical laptop. i mean y bother telling me? anyway i gotta feeling u slept real good and hope even better again today. kids want food. no kids need food . back later. have a good un x

  4. O MY GOD!!! u wont beleive this! no i not just got a kilo of somut good (well bad but good quality. which is irrelevant cus i aint got it)through post 4 b day. soz. i say u wont beleive it cus u (and whoever else has read about the hamster hooror) r the only person/people i have told. i not told brother or any real live people that i can c. but just got b day card off bro and its got 3 hamsters on front behind bars! looking v sad/guilty/sorry saying " can anyone remember what happened last night?" they got party hats on so it referring to drunken revelling. but how apt is that!!! 3 of em an all!! reggie, laddio and samuel. if i knew how i wud do a photo of it and post it on, but i only just workde out how to post a bledy comment. dint use laptop till drought! funny i dint tell anyone real but told anyone who wants 2 read it innit? maybe i have probs (reALLY?) WAS THAT REally shit i dint do that caps/lower thing on purpose either time! i meant 2 say really and laptop trying to tell me my probs r regarding alliances. freaky i am gone . . .really gone man!

  5. I hope you sleep long and hard and that it makes a big difference to your present state of mind. I'm still worried about you. x

  6. Thank y'all:~
    It's now 24 hours later, I was tireder during the day but fast, not as fast as yesterday's fastest. I don't know where I'm going now. Hopefully I can stay somewhere nice. Mentally I mean, not at home. Staying at home :-)


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