Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Working the Steps

12 HOURS' SLEEP! (No sleep yesterday night at all.)

I'm cutting out drink.

Yeah I know I said that before. I never had an immediate reason to do that.

Now I decided I'm going to work the steps at NA. I always thought you weren't meant to unless you were clean. Meaning not on methadone clean.

But I got a Narcotics Anonymous leaflet last night about the issues surrounding medication and see no reason why you cannot do the steps while on methadone. It's not like I'm rushing about scoring heroin any more. My life has changed.

Anybody who does NA for any length of time works through the 12 steps several times, so I can see no reason why not to do it the first time while still on methadone.

Miracles Do Happen!

Who knows what will become of me because of this...?


  1. I am glad for you. It really helped me. I heard last night that taking the steps instead of an elevator is good for me. I believe it.

  2. How do; NA never really worked well for me - I found it really cliquey, and found a lot of those who had clean time looked down on those who were struggling.

    I hope it works for you, I guess I didn't put in the right effort.

    Good luck.

  3. Dont supoose you would be up for letting me tag along? Im not the most confident person and it's stopping me going to one :(

    Stupid eh....

  4. Glad to hear it. Hope you've already found a wonderful and supportive "sponsor" to assist you in understanding what the steps are and helping you through the direction :)


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