Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Assisted Suicide in Switzerland

Ha! Read this about Dignitas Assisted Suicide in Switzerland. "Weariness of life" and "severe mental illness" are BOTH valid categories for DEATH. So I'm saving up my money for a trip to Switzerland. You get 15,000 mg nembutal (barbiturate) or helium (no thanks). So that's my plan from now on. I'm getting posh suicide in Switzerland. And I don't care what anyone thinks it's my life and my decision and I decide to die. Least I don't have to go in front of an express train now. If I need to do it I will lie to get my death. I'd rather tell the truth but I will lie if necessary. I need no-one to come with me, no-one to hold my hand. Oh and by the way Switzerland is the ONLY country in the world to give diamorphine to heroin addicts as FIRST (rather than second)-line treatment. I don't want diamorphine. I want death. Sorry to be realistic, but this is the truth.


  1. Sometimes I think that the idea of suicide can be a comfort. It is good to know we have options.
    It goes without saying though, that it is one I hope you do not have to take, Gled.

  2. it's a good option though, i hate the government for not giving out 15g nembugol suicide packs on demand who the fucking hell do they think they are?

    they should definitely give them out in prisons it would cut the tax bill

    when i'm rich i want to pay lower taxes and have fewer criminals so give out 15000mg nembutol packs

    maybe i'll take one first but who knows...??

  3. I know someone whose Mum was dying of cancer and went to Switzerland to end it sooner. Messed her up really bad.

  4. Gleds,

    This too shall pass. Lots of love and good vibes I'm sending ur way!!!!



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