Saturday, March 19, 2011

Furry Friends



Baby wallabies are called joeys

ON YOUR MARKS, get set, GO!

Wallabies are furry friends

Wishing Y'all a


  1. hello furry friends!

  2. i wannabe a wallabe... ha ha hee hee (speaking in rhymes, and i'm not manic today!) thanks for the link earlier that's really good. i was reading the q&a and isn't mental healthcare a MESS..!!

  3. re. comment under "delete" post

    yes not only full moon, but something about it being closer to the earth than it has been for yonks (very scientifically accurate) its massive have u seen it?
    re locals talking; yes as i said , white middle class market town, not much happens , but when it does, it gives them something to talk about. School gates are the worst place. frightening. I wont start on those stories else i really will be here all night. I was so releived when my lads were old enough to go alone. now i gotta start it all again with Hamper G. Self-righteous bitches, so confident in their superiority, gained by having their fucking hair "done" weekly, driving the family's second car 200 metres to the gates,and being wed to mr. mediocre, (who probably drinks every night but thats legal and he works (hard) for his money)and just generally being what they consider to be "proper grown up"
    o the joy of it! I can't wait.
    I got until september, who knows, anything could happen before then.
    So just been and looked at the moon,defo diffo, I think Im bi-lunar, or maybe uni-lunar, as in at my best (slightly manic/over-optimistic/a tad deluded/blissfully ignorant with hints of euphoria) when at one with the moon, not necessarily when its full, i suppose it doesn't matter when,just as long as i'm one with it (more often than not it seems to be full though)
    So im off to bed , as i was asleep then, spect ive said too much, im not gonna copy then i wont know until its too late. I have trouble shutting up (sometimes I cant say a word) I really am gone.
    night night
    ps.I like the wallaby fur

  4. Oh wallabies are so cute. They look like very small kangaroos.


  5. BUGGERLUGZ: bilunar? ok i see what you mean. I did check my moods against the moon being full and it doesn't line up with the peaks or troughs not really (possbly troughs definitely not peaks). Apparently "rapid cycling bipolar" means 4 or more ups or downs in any 12 months; ultrarapid cycling means mood swings lasting weeks; ultradian or ultraultra rapid cycling means mood swings within the same day. This all within the context of bipolar.

    Those housewives sound terrble. They look down on you for being normal? Fucking hell.

    OK maybe what I call normal and they call normal varies but fucking hell. I bet some of their grown up kids use heroin even if they don't know it!

    JANCE: they're v small, aren't they!

    TAFFETA: ;-)

  6. My computer wouldn't let me comment on your post today, so I'm commenting on it down here in yesterday's post.

    I love that scean from Romeo and Juliet. If you just copied Shakespears sonnets I would still read your blog daily.

    So your using Heroin, and telling me not to. I beleive that makes you a hippocrite. Yeah, yeah I know you have more experience than me as an addict, but your toppiing off your Methadone dose with Heroin. That's fucking dangerous. If you OD'ed I'd be devestated. Who would I send all my songs out to? Who would leave funny comments for me when I'm down? Who would comment on my blog? Who would I have a half a world away crush on?

    I know your not suicidal, but your doing something very dangerous.

    I need you around. So if your going to take Heroin get off the Methadone, if your going to take methadone get off the Heroin.

    Much love intended. Much love to you.
    Anna Grace

  7. I don't want you to be an addict again thats why I said don't do it!

    You know that!!!!

    Yeah I reasoned myself out of taking it today. When the eventuality is not near it's easier not to do it. Also not having £20 just £10 it's easier as I have less choice of dealer... stupid things make it easier not to do it. Like it being night and knowing I'm gonna get this guys cousin on the phone who doesn't know me... all stupid stuff makes it easier not to :-)


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