Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My New Home

I AM GOING TO BE LIVING IN A NEW HOUSE. I don't know when. But within not too long. Mentally supported housing, it's called. That is a mentally ill hostel rather than a mentally all over the place (because everybody here is weird) Emergency Accommodation.

It hasn't been sorted yet, but Deshane is working on it.

I spoke to Naomi tonight who was saying I have to go to a Dual Diagnosis club under a psychotic team.

Now nobody knows whether I should actually be treated by the people I go to see tomorrow because I am housed by one borough and live in another. Nobody is sure. But it seems to me I'm meant to stay as i currently am ie not go to the new place. But Naomi said go anyway and sort it out from there.

Everything is a mess. For once it's not one of my own making.

So I get a new home and hamsters are allowed! (First question I asked.) I want to make the Tubby Swine a new house out of glass with separate burrow compartments etc etc partitioned in the glass. You just use Silicone Sealant to hold the glass apart it's really easy to make a hamsterarium, so I'm told. It needn't even be waterproof, provided it IS only hammies you're using it for...

I couldn't sleep last night so tonight I've taken the risperidone early. It doesn't put me under sleepwise but it keeps me under. My head is lit up with the most beautiful imagery tonight but I'm not feeling hyped up. I feel very tired and I've only taken half of that risperidone. I'm hoping to get really good sleep tonight.

I'm not in the best of moods which isn't a problem as regards sleep. I tend to oversleep when I'm down.

Hey I'm getting a new house a new house a new house. Wow!


  1. Hey that sounds good. We do the same thing here, co living for people with all sorts of psychosis, no mental institutions and they have 24 hour care as well. I used to work for a Government agency who built their houses, they were pretty awesome. No drugs allowed tho. I think it's exciting, you get support and a home and hamsters. Lookin' good Gleds

  2. Hey Gleds,
    All the best to you.
    Can you leave the place at any time if you're not satisfied?
    You will still write your blog, wont you?
    It's good to hear you can have hamsters.
    How soon is this to take place?

  3. hey there gleds, juat catching up with all your posts,hurrah or a new home - new home new start.
    work is incredibly busy at the moment i amshattered any chance you could send me some of your manic energy next time you have some ! :)

    plus my 17year old has just bought a motorbike so i am worrying about his safety a lot, guess he needs to stretch his wings and fly.
    how was the schzioaffective blog by the australian lady?any use?
    best wishes Lizzy
    p.s. that picture of the spider made me feel uncomfortable please dont do it again - lol!
    big love x


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