Monday, April 04, 2011

The Fake Flowers Scandal

I PULLED ALL THE FLOWERS out of my cactus last night (it is a cactus not a succulent; it has carefully hidden spines...)... and found every little scarlet flower was on the end of a scarlet toothpick! It was my family who told me this might be the case, so I yanked at one and a one-inch wooden stave came out after it. So my poor cactus is in cactus-hospital with inch-deep wounds where these fake flowers used to be!

I found one that looks something like mine, but mine has more banana-shaped "leaves" and the trunks they grow out of aren't tiny stems like this one, but great tubby trunks with white furry patches where the bananas have rubbed against the plants in adjoining pots and fallen out...

The bananas are pointier and less bulbous than these, but they also turn red (though less strikingly so) at the end.


And will it ever get flowers? And what do they look like. Please tell me they're not scarlet ones that come on giant toothpicks!


  1. that's a revelation and a half, Gledwood! I thought all catuses grew were sharp spikies...

  2. I don't know the name of your cactus, but am familiar with those deceiving little dried flowers they stick in with tooth picks.
    I only know the common Christmas and April cactus.
    Yours sounds very different.

  3. to answer your question, eileen was just bored with her blog, maybe u noticed she blogged less and less and then fuinally just killed. she is fine, just didnt want a blog anymore, it happens, we cant all be so into it like you, me, or raymi, and live breathe love blogging.
    it took me 4 years to just convince eileen to start a blog, she was really into it the first 7 months then grew bored of it.

    she mentioned the other day she might start up again, but something completely different. mqaybe just words, or maybe just pictures, and no personal blog at all.

    anyway thats my answer. you will still see her around mine photos of her and stuff for sure. after all we are bff's

  4. Sweden: boo hoo!

    TAffetta: evil aren't they those tooth picks!

    Danny: no!

  5. How rude to insert fake flowers! Sorry no good with plants at all. I don't have any inside due to my opposable brown thumbs being useless with anything growing.

  6. They stuck fake flowers in to your plant? That's disgraceful! Poor plant :-( I hope it will survive...


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