Wednesday, June 29, 2011


  1. Hamsters indeed . . .
    well I wewnt to the pet shop to get supersize bags of bedding,muesli,nuts & corn on co(de
    but I "forgot" ;-) to take the pups. Errrr I still gotta take them next week (defo)
    They purposefully (That looks wrong?) made themselves look such a mess yesterday, that I would've been ashamed to take them.
    Not entirely their fault . . |I couldn't clean them for the first two weeks as cant disturb them . . .when I went to clean them at 3 weeks there were 3 new pups . . .so still couldn't clean them!
    they have gone 6 weeks well 7 now.
    Cleaned them out last night and hope they might be looking like the Robos in the shop by this time next week . .filthy,scruffy,swines!
    I did ask in the shop and they said they will take all seven next week . .I noticed they got NO spaces in their adoption centre . .but couldn't bring myself to ask what they gonna do with them??? But I know I will have to ask next week . . . but even without those seven I still got 22? . . .so they gotta go :-( haven't they?? have they??
    I don't know, and I'm sure you got bigger things to worry about . . you just got another marriage proposal! I'm not sure how u do it without these people having seen you, I know looks are nothing . . but I would have to see the eyes . .just the eyes, yes. I dont think I could propose to anyone (even as intelligent,eloquent,caring,forgiving,gentle,understanding,barking, hamster mad,talented as yourself) without seeing the eyes. hey ho it takes all sorts.
    I SO hope you feeling a "whisker" better?
    with much love
    WV. prosen?

  2. "Corn on co(de"??? Corn on cob!

  3. O boy just read "this is really what happened" ;-)

  4. Roborovskis are just about the smallest pets anyone ever keeps, bar tropical fish so 22 of them isn't really excessive, long as they've got enough room (or enough wheels!)

    Mine used to HATE being cleaned out. Even though I did the bedding one week (leaving a bit of the old lot) then the newspaper the next week and left a month in between, they still ended up all 3 on the wheel running like the clappers trying to get away from their horrible clean new home!

    I used newspaper sheets in the end instead of woodhsavings because the shavings seemed to give them itchy coats... also they really liked chewing up the newspaper. By the time it was changed they'd nibbled a lot of it right down to the bottom of the fishtank.

    Are they nearly as big as the "Baby Itchy Attacks the Ninja" lookey-likey I dragged up a couple of nights ago?

    What I would do is keep a sensible number of hammies but not too many but that's like how long is a piece of string. I would say a piece of string is about a foot long, so there!

    You're lucky breeding the furry swines, it means you have the chance to get them truly handtame. Mine were too jaded and old when I first got my 3. Spherical was a generation older, I'm sure. She was sleeping separately from the other 2 (in the same tank) at the Pets Superstore I got them from. Itchy and Bashful looked identical and neither grew up as tubby, they still had pretty bullet shaped bodies even when they died. As if they were 2 runts of the litter. Itchy let me tame her enough to walk on my hands, go up sleeves etc. When she eventually died she died in my hands as I didn't want her to get trampled. Bashful kept trying to BITE me! And Spherical was highly suspicious of me her entire life through, the swine!

    Hey I do feel a bit better thanks. Partly thanks to being on a lovely huge dose of methadone I had to drink in the shop. Usually I'd never drink it in one go but the new clinic insists, me beint a new customer and all... I'm angling to get changed on to another medication entirely ~ arguing (100% truthfully as well) that methadone induces and exacerbates bipolar mood swings. Which is ridiculous when you think about it. If I were a responsible dr and knew that methadone was doing to someone what it's doing to me no way in hell would I prescribe it. Not so much because of the lovely occasionally manic flash, but because of the suicidal depression. I shouldn't speak too soon, but this new clinic I'm going to seems even worse than the last one. I liked the last one because I was used to it. As methadone clinics go it was OK. But I'm supposed to be moving house! Which means there's barely any point changing clinics as I'll be living back in the old juristiction in 2 shakes of a gnat's whisker!!

  5. do you know what? I was thinking that the safto . ..I was so surprised in the pet shop at how big"normal" hamsters R!! they are huge. So I reckon 4 fully grwn robos = 1 syrain so . . .I only got 6 really. They got loads of room I just buy storage/toy boxes, fix up a water bottle & wheel, then its just misc. toys. Basically all my cardboard recycling of any shape or size is a toy!!
    Hey as they always make nest in wheel cus it curved at bottom (so they keep all babies at bottom then lie above them to feed them) I thought I'll put a pringle tube in there c if that ok 4 a nest . .it was . .but even better, when pups wre two weeks, Mummy took all bedding out and as it is foil lined, shiny & slippery, the pups all run in a row inside of it (as if it were a wheel) Genius! they obviously dont "know" the wheel is going round . .they just like running. So I've got a "robo pringle treadmill" ;-)
    I'm never sure if newspaper print might not agree with them? dunno.
    we've all had to change to private clinic now . .after knowing my drug worker for 5 yrs . .she knows my history, family, probs,past etc. now gotta start again. Its still free but a private company won the bidding so hey ho. . .we do as we are told.
    So So glad u feeling bit better . .lets hope its gets a bit more better (gr.?)
    with love
    di x

  6. ps. where did the word barking go in my list of your assets? I can see a ba then it goes to hamster mad . . .strange. not that it matters but never seen half a word on there before . . .I'm going as I'm starting to look like a stalker . . .;-)

  7. Wow that must be hamster heaven!

  8. Buggerlugz: all the baby hammies scrabble in a row along the inside of a Pringles tube? Wow. That's classic :-)

    I was scared of them dying of ink poisoning but it never seemed to affect them. The fact that house mice rip just about anything to shreds gave me the idea. The robos seemed to get a really itchy time off the shavings and I kept thinking I wouldn't like to live waist deep in itchy shavings all the time... Pandable my Syrian hamster used to live in a nest of newspaper he'd nibbled himself. But in his case I just cut along the side of the paper into strips...

    Is the private clinic any good? Do they give out anything better than methadone mixture 1mg/1ml and Subutex?

    I heard the one that won Cambridge set about cutting off every injectable script in the area with a vengeance. The affected people would get counselling and advice on "how to structure their day" ~ about as much of an admission as you'll ever get that they're totally fucking those people up. If ONLY they'd given me an injectable script I could have been OK years ago. I could be off drugs now. I've asked abot injectables repeatedly but they're completely deaf to the idea.

    I'm feeling physically ill from drinking all the methadone in one go. Usually I drink it in bed and sleep through the effects and I never swig the whole bottle at once unless I want to "abuse" it. So I've the luxury of "abusing" methadone every single day for the forseeable future... life could be worse!


    Jams: they don't know they're born these golden hamsters with no predators, endless food to hand and luxury wheels... and horrible young hands pinching at them and doing stuff like putting them on the record turntable as my friend from school used to do... Hmmm.

    That hamster looks just like my best one, Pandable, by the way...


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