Sunday, June 12, 2011

Brushwood Doggies

HERE are some pictures of a cute 可愛い柴犬 shiba-inu ~ a "brushwood dog" the tiniest traditional Japanese dog breed.

I would quite like to get one of these.
If I didn't get a giant wolf-like Akita. I love Akita-inus, the furry swines!

Aren't they furry 毛皮 and entertaining 面白く and cute 可愛い?

Well I was in a bad mood and a half when I last posted, wasn't I? It probably doesn't show as I was trying to squeeze as much entertainment value from it as I possibly could. If I didn't, I probably would have gone out and shot somebody between the eyes.

I didn't really sleep last night, so I'm quite tired today. My sleep has started going all over the place

I've learned the Japanese characters for reiki 霊気 as in 私は霊気で元気を癒した。I used to get reiki every week from a friend of mine who was very attuned to the energy. I turned up the first time extremely cynnical, having heard that reiki was something anybody could pick up overnight. How wrong I was. You can really feel it: hot energy. spirit hands reaching inside me. At one point the therapist's hands got so hot they were burning; then she said "feel my hands then!" And they were cold. I was told I was especially receptive to the psychic emanations.

The 気 ki in the Japanese reiki is the same as Chinese chi.

When I still had my 3 little hamster gnomes Bashful, Itchy and Spherical, bashful's name in Japanese was 内気 uchiki "an indoor spirit". The Japanese word for electricity is 電気 denki "the spirit of lightning"... isn't that amazing! Vandalized in Chinese to . How vulgar.

Itchy in Japanese was 痒がって Kayugatte, Spherical's name 丸 Maru meant "round". I used to call them my little 速歩馬; my Chiisai Hayaashi-ba ~ my little Trotters.


"My little hammies are furry entertainers!"


Ukkkh: it's 10 minutes to 2. EastEnders is on. The omnibus edition: 2 hours or so of nonstop cockney accents and misery in houses furnished direct from the Argos catalogue (like (posh versions of) mine). I'm exhausted and I keep nodding off in front of the computer screen. I've a packet of chicken & veg cup-a-soups I'd love to eat as quick as they're made so the croutons have no time to go soggy). My opinion on cup-a-soups without croutons involves a bullet between the eyes!

I'd really like to get a tubby hammy. There's a hammyhouse you can get that consists of a giant wheel, so huge it resembles a washing machine drum. The tiny tubby lives in this drum and scurries away in it night after night. ButI know what hamsters are like. They'll try and build a nest on the drum, do a pooze on it, wash their ears for half an hour and then unpack their bulging pouches. And then look all surprised when they start to ramble and the wheel is clattering with flying bedding, seeds and pooings.

Onscreen, Albert Square's alkie crackhead, Phil Mitchell is going to NA following a one week crack binge half a year ago with a girl called Rainie. Watch the full entertainment of the "hardman of Albert Square" high on crack here.

小さい驢馬速歩馬; 小さい速歩驢馬
Chīsai roba hayaashi-ba; chīsai hayaashi roba

Little Trotter Donkey; Little Trotter Horse

This man's bipolar tuned him into a different level of reality and he says he's all the better off for it.
Have a look at his mangled leg from a botched suicide attempt. He says two broken legs from being hit head-on by a truck hurt considerably less than the bipolar depression he was setting out to cure...

Here's Stephen Fry discossing the issue of mood swings. He calls his own disorder "cyclothymia" (actually bipolar II) because it's constant mood swings that never go to psychotic extremes. From what I've heard type 2 bipolar can often be more inconvenient than bipolar 1 because generally speaking, more depression's involved and mere flashes of hypomania. Type 1 bipolars often have to put up with very extreme mania that can be more dangerous than the depression: a different kettle of fish. Type II bipolar patients get depressed for longer, but type 1s can get psychosis with the depression (and more especially the mania).

On the one hand I'm trying to get my head around this so-called "illness" of mine; on the other I'm just tired of the entire issue. I know I can get a bit obsessive. On the other hand you have to bear in mind how badly my head got addled up. I need to pick together the fragments of sense ~ and to piece them together again. It wasn't hearing voices or paranoia or conventional "psychosis" that drove me mad: it was going into a clanking centrifuge of a mental state so intense that my mind broke into smithereens while I was wide awake leaving me a verbigerating vegetable. I desperately looked up the otherworldliness that happened to me at the height of my malady; I think I was having "catatonic symptoms". Lovely business.

Never mind. I'm better now than I was. Yeah I'm depressed, but I'm sorting my life out. Slowly. One day at a time. In baby steps.

And even though I can't have a hammy now (because the nut-house risk is still there ~ and who would look after the tubby swine while I was in there)... I can still be entertained by Hammy in Tales of the Riverbank. I love his turnip accent. I love the way Hammy Hamster and Roderick the Rat can't resist nibbling the props. And how Hammy breaks into a massive ear-wash at every opportunity. And I love Hammy's surprised expression as he floats down the river in his motor boat..!


  1. I had guinea pigs, called Pinky and Perky when I was a little girl. They lived outside in a hutch munching grass all day. But my brother and I used to sneak them inside in a shoe box when Mum wasn't looking.

  2. weren't pinky and perky 2 pigs or something? i can't even remember who they were; i watched The Clangers, which was about mice who lived on the moon, which was made of cheese :-)

  3. Ha, yes two puppet pigs who sang pop songs in voices like the Chipmunks!

  4. They are lovely dogs. You are right - one day at a time, Gleds. Don't forget - a lot of people care about you, all over the world. Lots of love from Simi and me. xx woof!

  5. KiwiG: yeah, I thought they sang weird songs... a vaguely remember them from the Crap TV Years...

    Welshcakes: grazie :-)

  6. I miss your stories about the hamsters.

  7. I wish I could get some more. I'm afraid of ending up in the hospital and have nobody to look after them...


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