Sunday, June 05, 2011

No we haven't done yet.

MY LAST post is annoying me so much I'm writing another one at 4:14am just to obscure it.

I wasn't in a very good mood when I posted that.

I'm not in a very good mood now. A few hours ago I seemed to get high on 3 cups of coffee. The 1st 2 were separated by about 4 hours, yet I still got all excitable and OTT.

Maybe I have what you call "mood swings". I can't sleep, won't sleep. Keep thinking about using 'eroin but I know that's not the answer. Maybe I ought to go back to NA. Maybe I ought to ask for a mood stabilizer. Maybe maybe maybe. I'm sick of thinking.

I owe all sorts of debts that I would like to clear but I don't even know who I owe the money TO. They get passed over to new people. I also owe council tax and my lawyer person wanted to get me declared Severely Mentally Impaired. I don't think I am anything bar misdiagnosed, I don't think there's anything wrong with me except "should have been drowned at birth" syndrome.

O wow see I try and say something new and the same old crap comes out time and again. I think I should perhaps start up a false blog full of cheery thoughts of nothingness that people with Alzheimers could swiftly forget. I am too pissed off for words.

Watashi wa ryūchō na nihongo o hanaseru yō ni naritai.

There: that says "I wanna be able to speak fluent Japanese".

Here is one thing that distracted me: a bouncing smiley:

This post's title is a random thought I picked up in my ears... no we have not done yet.


BUGGERLUGZ sent me this... thanks so much xxxxxxx
i really love Hammy; so tubby and furry with poppy eyes... not to mention the turnip accent...
"soon Hammy really gets the hang of firing the canon"... Hammy you furry swine!

Doesn't Hammy look cute in the aeroplane?...!


  1. I am sensing a some what critical inner voice in the way you are laying this down. If possible, a gentler, kinder more loving conversation can be of use, I find, although yes, I do this too at times. Be well, Paul

  2. Yeah I did hear from Mousie, having a very loud scuttle in the night. I think he sneaks into the bedroom after crumbs then can't get past my feet. As I sleep on the floor. The bed has an Everest of TV sets, unopened bedclothes packets, bags of washing, old shoes etc on it.

    Yeah it's a very irritable inner voice. I wish it would shut the fuck up. I could do with some drug that stops you thinking. I was very surprised to read that bipolar book saying depressed people stop thinking. I do remember being in a kind of catatonic state once but I honestly can't remember what I was thinking then. Hey maybe I should do yoga (isn't that a way of emptying the mind?), but I'm a Christian and yoga is comes from eastern pagan religions and I'm scared of getting possessed by demons.

    I mean there's always heroin, but to be frank I get more of a high off cup a soup than that shit nowadays!

  3. hi, not here to comment on post . . .yet, as bit busy with Hamper girl. But was looking for some old Black & white "tales of the riverbank" for her yesterday . . none that old, but this one totally reminded me of you . . .and quite apt at the minute. Soz if already seen it, had Hamper g in hysterics . . hope it at least makes u smile? back later,
    much love,
    take care,

    word verify carin (carin'. I actually do care about you, but not sure what to say when you r down ;-( x . .)


    don't worry about what to say, i say it all to myself

    put a fucking gun to the head (ain't got a gun) jump in front of the last train (10 to 2 in the morning) but the station is nearly 20 mins walk by the clock

    don't worry i know there's nothing to say, i woudn't know what to say either %-/...

    but thanxxxxxxx for Tales from the Riverbank, tubby furry Hammy means more than words ever could

  5. Buggerlugz: that Tales from the Riverbank is amazing; how did you find it?

    I wasn't trying to imply anyone would tell me to commit suicide. Dur. Typically badly put that comment was.

    Like I said actions speak louder; Hammy speaks loudest of all ~ specially in that Turnip voice!


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