Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Tale of Hachikō... & I had an Onken

忠犬ハチ公 HERE'S THE STORY of a great Trotterdonkey Doggie named Hachi, which means he was 8th in the litter, who met a professor of agricultural engineering in Tokyo sometime before World War II who faithfully followed the professor home every night. Each evening, Hachi used to wait at the main railway station for his master to return home. When one day the professor died suddenly of a heart attack Hachi refused to accept the death and continued to show up, every single afternoon at the appointed time. Thin and bedraggled he was fed sandwiches by the Japanese commuters... All attempts at rehoming him failed. The faithful furry simply ran back to Shibuya Station and continued his vigil.

After he died, a statue was erected in Shibuya Station in Hachikō's honour. In 2008, a Hollywood film was released, starring Richard Gere. This is the story of Hachikō's life. Original Japanese version. You don't need any Japanese to follow this; it's all set to music:~~~~~~~

ハチ公物語 Hachikō Monogatari ~ The Tale of Hachikō

Top illustration: the original Hachikō...

Here's an Akita-inu tied up on the way to the dog show. Same coloration as a brushwood doggie; much bigger. Then you get to see lots of Japanese people down the precinct.


I HAD AN ONKEN this afternoon. Vanilla yogurt with chocolate flakes.

Not much else to put. Not feeling too good.

8pm Hey I'm having "psychiatric symptoms" ~ "racing thoughts". I keep hearing the most random ideas spoken each side of my head. Down the library this afternoon I heard some woman whispering my full name, which irritated me. Then this other woman continued to have what appeared to be a pretty detailed conversation about me. The cow! I told myself I was "just being paranoid".

8:55pm the "psychiatric symptoms" have died down. I've been having them all day. I feel ill. I nearly went to bed just after 6. I don't know whether to see a dr. I don't see what a dr can do for me. I don't know what to do.


HERE are some 柴犬 brushwood doggies, some shiba-inus in the snow...


  1. Wow the Shiba-inus are so cute!

  2. doesn't the last one look too perfect to be true, it looks like it's been manufactured by fleiss, the teddybearmakers!

  3. I was thinking the same thing too, the smile maybe, maybe.

    'I don't know what to do.' I self medicated until 18 months and we are similar ages. I kept myself to myself and believed noone needed to know. I then reached out because I got to a point I felt I couldn't do it by myself, I was going in circles. It has helped. Some people run towards professional help, others run away from it, some are indifferent. Trusting other people with our mental health why they tweak medications to find dosages that maintain rather than disable can be harrowing for individuals. I guess as you say, you have found your anti depressant in heroin. Pity it's not legal and you couldn't get your fix from the corner store.

    My wife has just noticed your brushwood doggies, hope you are feeling better tonight.


  4. The story of Hachi is so touching. I haven't seen the movie but know that it will be a tear jerker. I have so much love for animals. I think that a dog would really cheer you up.

  5. @Gled - exactly what I was going to say that looks like a toy one to me.

    If it isn't that is well odd

  6. Hang on I'm being a complete numpty... look at it's rear left side leg... yes that is a label!!! LOL

  7. Spindrift: I need something else apart from antipsychotic pills because on them I end up depressed but less obviously psycho. They seemed to make me "hallucinate" less but not very much less paranoid. So probably I will have to submit to those mood stabilizers. I'm scared of mood stabilizers, especially lithium. I get a new dr's appointment soon though, so that should be OK.

    Syd: I would quite like to see the Hachi movie. It kind of passed us by, in the cinema for all of a week or so then gone. I noticed in Germany it got on the DVD bestsellers list whereas here it barely registered, I don't know why. Brits like to think of themselves as a nation of animal lovers but interestingly, the Germans actually seem to love animals more.....

    Furtheron: well-spotted. I just thought perhaps it was a badly touched up photo, or the dog was on medication!

  8. Those are such cute dogs!

    I hope you can get your council tax sorted.

    Is Severely Mentally Impaired the same as mental illness? It sounds more like a um thingy, a condition that someone is born with rather than an illness that can be treated.

  9. Severely mentally impaired: EXACTLY what I thought but apparently not. Still smells of complete bullshit though, know what I mean.

    I SHOULD be able 2 sort the council tax.

    God knows how.


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