Sunday, June 26, 2011

Tigers Off Drugs

HERE are some fiercer animals.

I'm still depressed.

I still want OFF methadone. OFF drugs.

I had £££ today. I walked past Heroin Corner.

I had only to remind myself how piteously weak the "best" gear is to get it together to WALK ON.

Heroin is a waste of time, a waste of life.


  1. Gled,

    I'm proud of you. That is the bravest thing you have done. Walking away is very hard. Good for you.


  2. Glad that you walked away. Good for you. You can do this and get off drugs. I know that you can.

  3. I proud to.
    The tiger with big teeth remind me of Anna.
    Stay alone.It is better then have bad freinds.
    Non get married.Have a wife or husband is a pain in the neck.

  4. Janice: I hope to walk away for the rest of my life. Like I said that brown CRAP is a waste of life...

    Syd: I know too. I have to get the HELL OUT OF BRITAIN as quick as possible too

    Adrianna: thanks, you really cheer me up!!


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