Friday, July 01, 2011

Fuzzy Donkies in the Snow

... so to cool y'all off, here's some fuzzy donkies in the snow...




  1. hey was just about to say, looking forward to furry friday on saturday and up popped the fuzzy donkeys, they really are fuzzy too.
    new clinic; haven't seen anyone yet as its in change over process, went to the chemist safto to pick up my weekly . . .and there were at least 5 other "friends" there to pick up, whose scripts hadn't been sent out!! ooo er u can imagne it can't you? I had picked mine up from the surgery and taken it to the chemist so I knew mine was there . . .I'm not sure how it works with other people, but no scripts had arrived through the post . .The pharmacist had managed to speak to the "new company" once that day, who said IF people are desperate and need them, they will have to get to . . . a place roughly 16 miles away!!! also they would call the pharmacist back later . . .no call . .AND NO-ONE ANSWERING PHONE!! one almighty fuck-up,there was uproar . .I got passed my bag over the counter which blatantly contained at least one 500ml bottle (and a smaller one) and walked. I wasn't sure if I might get mugged or whether to hang around and . . NO!! I need it myself so I walked and left them all to it. So not looking too good for the new set up . .I meet new worker on thurs so will let you know.
    That eye is interesting, I wonder how that was done?
    I gotta get some sleep, but great to hear you sounding positive again . . .
    good night
    with love

  2. Aren't they furry entertainers!!??!

    I don't think I would ever trust a script to get sent over. And that's totally out of order having to recieve something that's obviously methadone in front of other junkies.

    I trust my chemist less and less. I've made sure I always have at least 100mg spare at all times because my clinic has fucked me up several times with invalidly dated and even unsigned scripts. I was in no position to check my script some weeks. When I went manic it was as much as I could do to keep hold of my door keys let alone sort anything else out. I was losing money all the time.

    I just checked out the criteria for injectable prescribing and basically if you've been on methadone and injecting on top for years you DO meet the official UK criteria for injectable methadone. I'm collating all this information and am thinking of appealing to get a PROPER prescription that actually works for me and keeps me on the straight and narrow for longer than a few weeks. When I cleaned up before I had the luxury of an elevated mood helping me. I don't have that now.

    O and BTW I found out all methadone patients are supposed to be screened for mental health problems and given antidepressants/etc as appropriate. They NEVER did this for me.

    So what happened to these people without scripts? Why didn't someone from 16 miles away travel to your chemist and drop these scripts off?

    From now on as well as keeping at least a day's worth of methadone, which I will buy on the street if necessary, I think I'm going to have to keep at least £20 spare in case I need to score. I really do not trust chemists or clinics at all. I also made sure I had an entire bag of new needles, even though I've thrown every single old one away. I don't WANT to inject street drugs ever again, but am not leaving myself wide open to disaster if the chemist lets me down I will NEED to score and need to inject what I score. Otherwise I'm only spending twice as much money on half as much drug and street gear is so weak these days it's ridiculous.

    Do you know I think my memory played tricks on me, telling me the gear used to be better than it actually was. For most of my using a £10 bag injected in one was the bare minimum. I usually injected 2x£10 hits spaced about 10 minutes or so apart in the morning. Then I felt OK. I really wish I could go for ever on no gear ... never again ... but as I say I simply cannot trust the clinic and chemist not to let me down. Shane in France wrote a post making some really good points about how a drug dealer cares for you more than a methadone clinic at his memoires of a heroinhead blog

  3. Hey Gleds,
    I love the rabbit ears of donkies (donkeys)?.
    Great fuzzy post:)

  4. Aren't they called donkies?

    I wouldn't know..!

  5. Really good little fellows. I liked seeing Mylo, the Budweiser Clydesdale mascot. He was really cool.

  6. A Budweiser tonkie? We only had frogs (I think)...


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