Monday, July 11, 2011

Tennis Ball Head

ON SATURDAY NIGHT I got out the clippers and shaved off a carrier bag full of conker coloured hair. On Sunday I went to Wilkinsons, the budget houseware suppliers, and spent £4.40 on Schwarzkopf Ultra Platinum XXX hair dye. I now have bright yellow hair à la Christopher Walken in view to a kill.

I have to say the treatment stung my scalp. Literally within 5 minutes my hair was nearly white, which frightened me into washing it off 28 minutes later. I was going to do the whole 45 mins to get maximum value but was frightened by then I'd have melting jelly for hair. With smoke whisping out.

This morning I woke up thinking WHAAAAT have I done??! To add insult to injury I realized I'd missed bits round the back so I had to repeat the performance.

If you want an idea of the colour, it's a very artificial light golden blond. Last thing I wanted was anything tasteful or understated. I might have the personality of a mouse, but I like EXTREMES. I still have half a packet left for next time.

My chemist asked me if this was my new disguise. Even the internet café guy, who knows me from days of yore when I used to shamble in shoelaces untied, vacuum cleaner dust coloured hair exploding out in all directions like a mentally retarded scientist, said he liked the colour. I now get stared at everywhere I go.

I'm glad I didn't go for Sun-in. For one thing you need a hair dryer to activate Sun-in full-on, which I don't have. And like I say, the last time we sprayed that stuff on the hairdressing trainees at our local technical college informed me I was risking permanent hair damage.

Yes, true to title, I do have a bit of that tennis ball head thing going on.Yet I don't look anything like an escaped convict. The colour is far too striking for prison chic.

Now you can all leave lots of compliments about how fantastic I must look. And I do, I promise you!


  1. I like my minimalist hairstyle with natural highlights... balding and greying!

  2. I have bleached blonde spikes and a shaved brown head, so I know all about extrovert hair! Good for you!

  3. Can u not just do a photo of the back of your head?? Please??
    That will answer shape/colour question.
    Yes u must look fabtastic blah di blah ;-)
    but come on . . .I mean the back of your head from the side. Like from behind the ears to the back?
    Not even on Facebook where only 5 or 6 of us will see it?
    Swap you a photo of Runtski + pretty white siblings?
    ok I give up. Slept all day, now I feel like I wasted my precious rare time with no kids. O well.
    with love as always

  4. do you mean Ryan O'Neal of love story? R u sure? I suppose you must know what you look like :-)

  5. You are so funny! I enjoy reading your blog, and glad you sound more positive. I go for chocolate brown on my hair, I figure I may nibble on it if I feel like a sweet treat!

  6. I'm sure you look great. Of course I love you no matter how you look. This was a very funny post.

  7. Gleds,
    Anna's comment is so sweet up there.
    I too lighten my hair a little. I'm a dirty blond and go golden in 5 minutes.
    When I was younger I was a blond and got spoiled, so I began lightening it in my 20s.
    With your new specs, haircut and color, you must be a hit with the ladies :)
    Well done !!


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