Sunday, August 14, 2011

Here's what I really look like!

ANNA GRACE constantly wants to know what I look like.
Well here you are Anna!

I don't like letting my hair grow because it makes me look like Norman from Eastenders

With nasty long hair and glases I am the spitting image of Olive from On The Buses

On a particularly bad day I look like Worzel Gummidge

And you wonder why I resorted to heroin, drink and crack for years? Drugs were the only way I could cope with being my horrid self! I do have an excuse ~ it's staring back at me in the mirror whenever I dare to look!


  1. Post a photo. What do you look like gleds?? You can't remain a mystery all your life like banksy. Or maybe you can.

  2. I look the most like Olive crossed with Worzel. Olive looks almost identical to me with long hair and glasses.

  3. You look like Worzel g to? You must be my long lost brother!

  4. Aye! I do on a day like this!!

  5. Gled, I'm glad you're not drinking. I understand the Szy/bi diagnosis. The great news is even those with grave emotional and mental disorders recovery... if

    if they have the capacity to be honest. You have it, I've seen it. You've said, I can't stop and stay stopped. Good news, there is a solution! :) Keep on moving to meetings, keep following the recovery blogs, you'll find the trick... it's seeking a spiritual solution.

  6. I want to see a real picture of you, current and what not.

  7. Glad that Jess wrote that. A lot is within your power to get better. And a lot has nothing to do with your power. Hope that you find the solution.

  8. JESS: thanks for getting in touch again I thought you had given up on me. I had ONE drink in the past week and all it did was remind me how much I LOATHE drink. It mighht sound snobby but I just have to think of the "image" of drink to remember why I want to stay stopped... I suppose it's a case of "whatever works for you"... I can't wait to go to AA as a full-blown member. With NA I'm not a full member as I'm on methadone but AA wise I cannot see that I'm not SOBER like they want me to be so I'm extremely glad about that!!

    SHAY: problem is if I posted up a picture I'd be so inhibited I wouldn't be able to blog any more. Anna Grace
    has that problem with her neighbours knowing she blogs and judging her for it... If I die I hope my family do put up my picture I'd like that! (But I'm not planning on dying any time soon; you never know though!!)

    SYD: do you mean as in God grant me the serenity, the courage and most of all the WISDOM TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE. I don't know whether they say that at Al Anon or AA but at NA they say it every single meeting in the UK which really warms the cockles of my heart!

    Thanks for the messages everyone :-)

  9. Such a chicken. At least put one on Facebook. Post a pic and I'll go back to blogging. There's a challenge for you

  10. If I put my photo up I could never blog again!

    Anyway you're one to talk you look like a Home And Away character in your facebook profile!!

    (It's all in the pose...)

    I look more like a Celebrity Rehab character!!

  11. I don't know who that guy is, but apparently not you according to the comments ! I thought how the heck is it possible that one looking like a bank employee has such a tortured inside ?
    I really thought it was you !

  12. Oh I see what you mean!
    Yes I do look like a bank employee a bit. His hair looks like mine when mine grows out. Mine never gets anything like as long as that it is strictly 3cm long but looks far shorter; it looks about 1cm long. I used to have horrible hair Gattina and really looked like a scarecrow. I think Worzel Gummidge had the edge over me as far as style went ~ any day of the week.

    I'm taking my tortured inside and getting a job in a charity shop round the corner from my house; I can't wait!!


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