Friday, October 28, 2011


IT'S A HOT DAY TODAY. I had to take off a layer of clothing because of over-zealous central heating in the methadone pharmacy. The sun is shining; it's actually quite hot. I know I should have done this weeks ago but I'm about to take my computer to hospital today. I just couldn't face doing it before as I thought I'd fused it. Turns out it does turn on after all ~ but then it says something about a cable disconnection and won't do anything further.

I didn't get stop smoking stuff yesterday as it turns out yesterday was "preparation day" they wanted to make quit day a week yesterday but I insisted on giving up today. I can't handle the stress of so many cigarettes knowing I'm on a slow countdown to the very last...

You have to pick one type of nicotine replacement therapy and I think they do most types but not those electronic cigarettes you smoke cartridges in... So I'm going for gum. I couldn't deal with a patch unless I had absolutely no choice: that would be too much like a nicotine version of methadone! If only drug cessation clinics gave a wider choice of therapies I might have cleaned up years ago. (I am still on prescribed methadone now, so I don't count myself as "clean".)

I've actually forgotten the password to one of my emails. How stupid can you get?

I have to go now; I have an appointment with Smoking Cessation in just over 2 hours...

O I've just remembered my password; I'm signed in.

Gotta run; take care everyone......


  1. Not the electronic one, this one;

    Defo available on NHS. If you get one ask specifically for a black one. They never tell you these come in colours and just give you a white one, which looks like you going round sucking on a tampon! Sorry, I know . . But it's true :-)
    Apparently these have the highest success rate. Glad you feeling a bit better.
    With Love

  2. Hey Gleds, how's it going? I've been very, very busy so I haven't caught up but I believe the last posts sounded positive :-)

    About the heating in the pharmacy. They have that in the trams here. The drivers have no idea how hot it gets in there i think. Last week I had to ask a driver to turn it down.

    Hehe, I'm looking at your DJ Kitty in the wheels of steel while the song "You spin me round" from Dead or alive is playing.

    Well, off to do my blog. I went shooting yesterday with work. Skeet shooting it was. Surprisingly fun :-)

    Well, have a great weekend mate and good luck with quitting!


  3. hey, question, not to undermine yer efforts or anything... but do you truly want to be "squeaky" clean. i dunno. sometimes i think the idea of "serenity" in 12 step "recovery is a set up. i think yer fine the way you are. you're ok. cool blog. :)

  4. Violet: I don't want an addiction round my neck it means I can't travel without huge planning, I'm always worried about getting my dose it's almost as bad as being on smack and I've had enough of that one too...

    Vincent: see chemists shops, trams the overheating is everywhere and we're paying for it!

    Buggerlugz: I think I might ask for a black inhalator next week!

  5. Still loving your candor. Keep it up. M-Filer

  6. How hot is hot to you? It can get up to 115 or so here, which is 46 to you. We blessedly had a mild summer, with temps even in the 70s (21-26C) in July! We only had three days of 113 (45) and a couple of weeks the high got to around 110 (43) in August. Hoping for an equally mild winter, truly hate when it's so cold it hurts your face! You can cover your body, but what in the world do you do about your face? Go around in a ski mask looking like you're going to rob a bank?

  7. mFiler: what happened to your blog??

    Eyelick: hot nowadays is anything over 80F. When it gets past 90F in London it's unbearable and it's hit 100 before. Which is totally ridiculous because the town just isn't built for such humid heat.

    Your weather sounds way more extreme than ours; we go between just under freezing and about 85F normally. It's rare for it to go much above 85 I'd say. But that really does feel hot! I've been to India and their dry heat was far more tolerable even when the air shimmered all around than British summer which gets ridiculously humid. I only have had a problem with summer since I got a problem with H by the way!


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