Friday, January 26, 2007

Why I Don't Have TV

Okay do you want to know why I don't bother with telly anymore? I had a TV don't we all blah blah. In this country you are supposed to buy a £140 television licence or you will get trouble (if you are thick enough to let said licensing man in your home). Anyway long story. TV on 24 hours. Me in drug-coma. Or just depressed without enought drugs semi-coma. Had clear-out. Saw TV in corner. Felt temptation rise. Carted telly downstairs and threw into front garden. Gave digital box away to Mother H. And ever since have had same radio channel droning 24-7 in background. I really wanted to be able to read a book. But that was a year ago and I don't think I've finished a single one. Still get to see everything because I only go home to mope.


  1. Well the reading doesn't work for me anymore either. I just can't focus on it...too scattered. I used to read a lot. When things calm down in my life I'll try and start again, but it's been chaos for awhile. I really like your writing though - I think this is a good outlet for people like us who need to fill a void that TV/books and other stuff just isn't filling.

  2. The internet, yeah: - doncha just love it!!

    What bout when NOTHING fills that void..??

  3. I do.

    The drying paint stage.

  4. I don't watch TV. Just author-cinema. I'm a purist.

  5. Yes there's nothing like a good film.


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