Friday, February 09, 2007

Singapore & Portuguese Popularity

LEAFING THROUGH MY "TRAFFIC REPORT" containing sheaves of highly irrelevant statistics, I was struck by one singular fact. That, judging by the language by which my readers browse to my blog, the figures are as follows: English 82% of course. CHINESE 6%. PORTUGUESE 5%. Norwegian, Dutch, Italian, French, Estonian, Spanish & Catalan 1% each.... just thought I'd share that with you. GLEDWOOD IS POPULAR IN CHINA!!! & BRAZIL!!! Woo-hoo.

[No actually, I just checked more closely & the Chinese speakers seem to come from Singapore/Malaysia ...]

Well that's what the traffic report says. I don't know who any of these people are ... because they never leave comments !! grrr...


  1. I sometimes get places I didn't evne know existed. The other week "French Polynesia", looking at the map I thought it was someone on a submarine in the middle of the Pacific.

  2. do you check that stuff. Quite interesting.

  3. never mind...figured it out.

  4. I've noticed the eastern part of China has been lighting up on our map too... I wonder how much of the humor they're able to "get" with the translator???



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