Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Every Time

EVERY TIME I DO SOMETHING I do it wrong. Whenever I juggle I drop at least one item. Whenever I'm successful at one aspect of life I'm neglecting something else. Why can I never get it right?? What have I done today? Gone and missed my appointment with the doctor. Which I know will really annoy them. And where is my phone for that matter. I have to go and sort this out now.

Why is there always something??


  1. hii takecare of urself yup..

    guess i can feel wat u're going thru in this entry.. im just like u.. always screwing up something in my life.. despite the struggle of being a perfectionist..

    but i learnt that nothing is perfect in this world.. so being a perfectionist is always tedious and ending up with disappointment etc..

    these wat i felt.. but i hope u will remain strong and continue to fight.. dont give up ok..


  2. don't sweat the small stuff gled. it's only an appointment. ;)

  3. i no!! i just thought they wouldn't give me a 2nd one. they can be like that sometimes. but i did get one. so hey!!

  4. I get that way with the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I forget to take my meds, get six miles out in the car and have to turn around and go back home. I forget to take the most important tools for a particular job, you name it. I do it every time. If something ever goes to plan I am always wondering what it was I forgot.....

  5. The only exercise I get is running back up the hill and then back up the stairs to the flat to get what I had forgotten—keys, phone, wallet, ciggs, lighter, ciggs AND lighter, the stuff I pulled out of my wallet and didn't put back in, my head, my self respect—for which it is nice to be able to go back and get even if a hill and set of steps are involved!

    You got a figure these doctors of yours have factored in an over-sleeping or two or fifty. Geez, if they haven't they should probably specialize in something they know more about!

    Head up Gleds. You are perfect. It is the condition that is flawed.

    Still have not found the word you were looking for (and now I am). I've a mind to march up to that big house, ring her bell and ask her myself. She's the friggin writer!


  6. No one ever gets it all right. The universe is perfect right now as it is at all times. That means you're perfect, too.

  7. "EVERY TIME I DO SOMETHING I do it wrong"

    No you don't - you write this blog, and do it very well. I wish I could write as well as you. Get that novel going!


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