Saturday, March 10, 2007

Chatterday Saturday

STANLEY THE O.A.P. SHOPLIFTER and Miles his Public Skool partner have dropped round a few times this week. They sit about for an hour or so smoking their wares, give me a bit (I can't usually do it in front of them as would have to strip nearly naked to find a site) but it's the thought that counts. Miles came by today. Stanley is funny. He tells the tallest stories I've ever heard, eg about whacking a wasps' nest down out of an oak tree and the yellowjackets (that's what us Brits mean when we say a "wasp") going mental up the entire street. Old 1920s fishwives (well that's what it was like when Stanley was a little boy) running up in arms from their homes with black and yellow swarms buzzing them out ... etc etc. The other day when they came and I had somewhere to go I avoided them, met up with them later on a park bench with another shoplifter called Sarah. And sat there as the three of them talked "shop" about what store five miles away you can't take so much as a stick of chewing gum out of "because yous lot have done it to death"... Sarah speaks such heavy London slang she even says "moons" instead of months. I mean honestly she sounds to me like a Mediaeval serving wench. "I bain't been outta these ere parts for seven moons" what does she think she sounds like. I had an animated conversation about "getting clean" not that I'm telling anyone I want to, for over an hour. And in the end told the nasty truth. Well what is this existence about? Except a tightrope walk between survival and death. I don't know.


  1. Ohmygod, we have some London chick call us at work sometimes, she's from some telephone conferencing company and she always asks for Sophie and her accent makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up! We call her "Little Britain". She says things like "Oh yeaaah, you live in da Nevalands, cheers yeah."

  2. I thought I was bipolar.


    It's all good, glad you stopped by, I'll return the favor and add you to my links.

    Keep up the writing, Woods.

  3. hi gled...just checking in. I love accents of any kind...I just think they sound so much better than my bland way of speaking.

  4. I love accents as well, no matter where they are from. Being dutch I have a hard time understanding the english ones though.

  5. hey Gled at the risk of sounding preachy, again probably.
    you know you have to stop hanging with other users if you want to kick right?
    It's the hardest thing because you have built your life around it, but necessary, I'll jump off this here soap box now, and stop throwing stones in my glass house...:)

  6. what junky says is so brother's one year anniversary of being clean is in May (his girlfriend celebrated hers Mar. 7). That was harder than anything for them - cutting the ties and finding ways to fill the void.

    He is in NA and it works for him, but not for everyone. Whatever your route, you have to disassociate yourself from the life/people you knew as an addict (completely) and head in a completely new direction. And, as strange as it will be at first, you'll quickly readjust and learn to love your new life.

  7. Junky: I know I know they took up calling upon me unannounced. Of course I let them in as they never turn up emptyhanded ...

  8. Hang on got to put me specs on cos me mincers aint to good. Thats more like it me old cocker. It's Mick's trouble an strife 'ere; gonna 'ave us a nice Ruby Murray tonight if his old dutch can make it up the apples an pears to the geezer an get it out. Well that's enough rabbiting from me; gonna shut me north an south now.


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