Thursday, March 29, 2007

In Pain

(OK, OK: but hardly dying.) My right leg has a red traffic light on the back of it. It is going purple with what looks like yellowy dots springing out when you really squeeze it. When you kneed it, fingermarks stay in the skin. And there's a beautiful (but that is hardly the word) bit of pus under there. I am meant to make an appointment to see my doctor but that is unlikely to happen unless it gets worse. It is only an abscess. On a scale of 1-4 (4 being biggest) it is a 2. And it doesn't hurt like it used to because the pus has kind of eaten out the bit that was in pain. Man I love medical stuff. Remember I said I even wanted to be a doctor/nurse once? It would have to be nurse as I'm too thick to be a doctor. I do not have a scientific mind. I'm weighing up different offers to burst this thing but to be honest I think I am going to leave it be and put this magnesium stuff on it that is meant to do the same as bread and hot water (the Victorian remedy). Well I'm off now I feel dead tired and it is 1am. But I've been sleeping all evening like an OAP. At least it's got warmer than it was last week. Frigid air was blowing up from Siberia across the arctic, down past Scandinavia to here. How unpleasant. It was absolutely freezing cold. Now it is quite hot. Like a volcano of sepsis, this globally warmed planet is on a countdown to meltdown. I wonder how long this Earth of ours has left before it utterly blows up??


  1. Go to the doctor. Be certain it is not MSRA if you do not already know. This is something rampantly expanding in our community here that previously was pretty much limited to hospitals and locker rooms (go figure) Check out this short article in our local paper. (It is not as long as the URL!)

    I just recently had an abscess and was a little worried it might have been this. It was not. None-the-less, I thought I would be done with this kind of thing after quitting but guess what? I' wasn't. No worries. Quitting is still worth it.

    I know you are very knowledgeable and can take care of yourself in the ways that only we addicts can. But how else can I make your health issue all about me if you don't get a diagnosis? LOL

    Just be sure. Okay?


  2. BTW—I almost forgot. Happy Birthday you goof! (goof is an affectionate term here so if it means something different in the UK please take it as it is meant. I have a knack for insulting people from out of town!)

  3. Happy Birthday??


    Go do what wayward son suggests. Glad it is getting warmer.

  4. Get to the docs and get yourself sorted Gleds! As for the Earth blowing up; I think man will do it long before nature does.

  5. wayward son is right. Go to the doctor.

  6. As for MRSA/C-dif I'm pretty sure it is NOT, though most abscesses are the SA (stafyloccoccus aureus and I know I can't spell it) of MRSA. I've seen MRSA on television; it is disgusting, absolutely enormous. Actually (here anyway) I'd be more likely to catch that IN hospital than outside, especially my local one which has a really bad rep.

  7. Touché.

    Go to the doctor anyway. BTW, I almost made it through without fainting your description of a treating abscesses in your subsequent post—almost.

    It's not the gore but the perception of pain. I am in deed a wuss where that is concerned.

    I will checking back regularly for news of your imminent return to health. You can be sure of it.



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