Friday, March 23, 2007

Post 99

MY 99th POST HERE! I'm meant to be continuing something see below. I'm all spun out thinking what am I doing I'm looking for something to DO. Yet nothing inspires. I don't know. What else should I write about? I don't know. Tomorrow is another day but I'm not letting too many more tomorrows go past else my whole life will be one blank YESTERDAY.


  1. why is it I find myself wanting to sing "99 Bottles of Beer On The Wall?".

    We all go through blogger's block...I'm currently experiencing one. But I just keep writing anyway and I'm sure I'm boring people to death.

  2. Just keep writing. You write well enough to make even the least interesting thing valuable.

  3. What was the PLAN you were posting about on Wednesday. Have I missed it? Gonna have 99 botles of beer onmy mind all day now Debs. Though my first thought was a 99 icecream.


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