Friday, April 06, 2007

Sundown into Saturday

SUNDOWN, the long spring day is finally ending, darkness takes the land ...

... UGLY BETTY is on later ... (I like that show, Ivy. My favourite character is Wilhelmina: the (speaking) voice is reminiscent of Eartha Kitt's. But I bet that actress can sing her knickers off!! (IF she wanted to ...)

Time's running out. I spent the day recharging my batteries on my giant Iranianesque rug ... I call it a hearth rug as it is full of burns from reprobate rolling mahogany logs ... (or my Dunhill cigarettes ...)

Okay gotta go because time's out. See yers all tomorrow.

Love Gleds xx


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  2. Hey!
    Dunno if your celebrating, but still: Happy Easter!

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