Monday, July 30, 2007

Mournday Monday

I HAVE TO POST SOMETHING BECAUSE IT'S A NEW DAY AND I'M HERE. Not in the mood=what do I say? I tried to make biscuits last night. The resulting slop was horrible. Also I do not have an oven (only hotplates). So I attempted cooking these on tinfoil atop that. Bad move. I am in a bad mood because that Matran (who doesn't officially even live in our house) had the cheek to speak to me threateningly. I didn't say one word back. In retrospect I think this was a good move. One day he will get himself in real trouble and I won't be the one wasting my energy on him. I don't really have much else to say. Evilstein said he was coming round today. He did not. Well not when I was there. As I said I have a birdcage. Maybe I should find some birds to put in it? Little ones like zebra finches. Also they don't make annoying noises. I once had a budgie in my room. I love budgies but the chirping drove me to distraction ... Yeah, zebra finches it is. Of course I may not do this... but on the other hand why bloody not?

Right. Song of the day: We're in Heaven - DJ Sammy version.
Or click for original Brian Adams version ...


  1. I'm going to look into that ...

  2. I'm sorry you have to put up with that crap from people. It's a weird brother (the one who's on track now) was "challenged" by a neighbour who wanted to dictate where people could park on the street. It makes me angry when rude bullies throw their weight around.

    Birds are great...Dad has a budgie that's taking too much of his time so I may bring him here.

  3. I tried to teach my old budgie to talk. "He" (who laid an egg. strange kind of he) never picked up a single word. But would not cease chirping every single waking minute of the day

  4. i too want to buy a couple birds for my room! just not sure what kind yet...maybe love birds? Budgies make too many annoying noises so I know i won't get them.

  5. gledwood...that website for paid surveys is that a hoax or is it real?


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