Monday, August 06, 2007

Oh Dear

OOER I JUST ANSWERED AN INNOCENT-SEEMING PERSONALITY TEST and have found out the website who posted it up thinks I am crazy. Thanks a lot! Now I can put in a nutshell what I distrust about psychiatrists. Apart from 1. the fact that they engage in soul-crushing mindgames at times of absolute crux and crisis they 2. have dissected and bisected and cut up and scraped open and analysed and bled the colour out of all human experience to such an extent that almost any behaviour, reaction or even thought can nowadays be construed as evidence of a "disorder" or some type. I mean...! There's even a posh label for obnoxious naughty children. I think their parents are informed that rather than needing a good hiding, they have a "conduct disorder" ... I mean how depressing this all is. I don't know how much I made it plain that I used to go to weekly counselling sessions for several years ... OK I did learn some things, but got very annoyed whenever I got too upset the counsellor started saying "I think you need more help than I can give you" and attempted pointing me in the direction of an evil psychiatrist! Then they keep asking what "our" relationship means to me (ie my relationship with the counsellor) ~ well not very much, I had to reply. Seeing as I don't know anything about you. And that little factor I used to really resent: the fact that I was meant to lay myself open to someone who told me absolutely nothing about themself, in fact nurtured it as an aspect of professional pride that as little of the self was given away as possible:~ whereas I was meant to give away everything. O boy! How free I felt on having left the very last counselling session! I no longer had to account for my life or answer to anybody. I'm not talking about being responsible for my actions. I'm talking of a kind of weekly emotional book-keeping exercise.... all I can say is I was so glad when it was over! As for all these stupid labels I've scored "high" and "moderate" on ... did you notice the schitzy-witzy one and the avoidant one were self-contradicting. Which means having one means you of necessity do not have the other. Bluster and guff! Psychiatrists: they're the ones who need help

I just need some tropical fish.

Does everyone like the Sinead O'Connor track I posted in the top of my sidebar? You can click it and have cheery music twinkling as you indulge in this blackforest gateau of a blog ...

And by the way WHY is nobody watching my Geriatric 1927 videos? They are different! Very different indeed!!!

I want to go home but there's nothing to go back to ... that's why I don't know what to do ... what to buy ... should I spend £12 on that cheapie CD player? Or should I do something else with the money (I don't mean drugs) ... ooer stupid expressions are coming back from that test site. Am I being "dependent" now? Because I'm indecisive? Ukk. In the rubbish bin with it all!!




My Personality ?!?!?!!!????!???**??


-- Personality Disorder Test --
-- Personality Disorder Information --


  1. I need no test to tell me I'm nutty. You've been to my blog. I am a parent of teens and a full time student. I'm completely whacko.

  2. Well I took that test. It told me exactly what I already knew, so nothing new there! Of course, we all know what the "right" answers are when we do these things. But I think this test is a bit harsh. No, not a bit. It is harsh. Forget about it.

  3. I fear I may be normal, is this an abnormal behavior? Results would have been a lot more frightening thirteen years ago!

    Disorder | Rating
    Paranoid: Low
    Schizoid: Low
    Schizotypal: Moderate
    Antisocial: Low
    Borderline: Low
    Histrionic: Low
    Narcissistic: Moderate
    Avoidant: Low
    Dependent: Low
    Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

  4. I once read a quote "We're all crazy and the only difference between patients and their therapists is the therapists haven't been caught yet.” Will try the test!

  5. Paranoid: High
    Schizoid: Low
    Schizotypal: High
    Antisocial: Low
    Borderline: Low
    Histrionic: High
    Narcissistic: Moderate
    Avoidant: Very High
    Dependent: Low
    Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate
    Now where's that straight jacket :o)

  6. I scored low on all the others bar moderate on Paranoid, histrionic and narcissistic, The cheese has definitely slid off my cracker and I didnt even notice :)

    They reviewed a policy recently in my work that states I cant disclose anything personal about myself to the people I work with...DOH!!!!! utter another breath they say we are all in this together, this kind of b******t makes me so angry,ooooooooops better go back and resit the test and reassess myself, is anger normal???? Pass me that straight jacket Ruth :)

  7. Ive watched a couple of Geriatric 1927, as you say very different, hopefully the media hounds will leave him alone. He is publicly sharing his story without their assistance as it is... without financial profit

  8. I am moderate for schizo and avoidance and dependence. Not bad for a guy who pretends to be a squirrel! LoL.

    The test does seem a bit harsh and I think most of the time we "know" the right answer. Anyway, to be absolutely sane sounds a little boring.

  9. reminder to self: blog of the day

  10. Nice that you Dropped to say hi :)
    Great Blog.

  11. The very fact the least you can 'score' on a given Personality Disorder is "Low" means the authors think "well, you're here taking this test, so obviously there's something wrong with you!"

    Hmmmph. Now I gotta hide my knife...from me~!


  12. Here's a blog I've been reading for some time, Dr. Helen, a practicing Forensic Psychologist, who mostly gets comments from other professionals. There's some good stuff, there, and reading Dr. Helen is always a relaxing event.

    Like therapy, only free...

  13. I did the test and everything's low exceot I am "moderately" narcissistic, which I suppose is true. You did make me laugh about psychiatrists! Agree with you on the absurdity of "conduct disorder" - no one's just a naughty brat any more!

  14. I've taken that test (or something that looked the same!) if you scroll down my blog far enough. I like the way you yelled in waves about the craziness of something that we are supposed to find sanity in. Nice entry.


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