Saturday, February 16, 2008


MY OH MY WASN'T I BLABBERING ON YESTERDAY..??! Surely I must have been "stoned"... did anyone actually WANT all that information...? I do apologize. I have been squeezing my scab in contrition (that is, poking alcohol swabs underneath it to try and "sterilize" any infection...)

The hilarious picture to the right is to wish you all a happy weekend. Although she is actually white only underneath and on her "eyebrows"... something in that snapshot does capture the spirit of Baby Itchy when she escaped those THREE TIMES in the space of ONE WEEK... the sheer joy of bounding entertainment!!


  1. Happy weekend and I am afraid of dogs:D

  2. Ah! But Itchy ain't a dog!... she's a Roborovski!!!


  3. don't apologize for anything gled...we love you for who you are. And honesty is never a bad thing.

  4. I just thought I might have been deathly BORING that was all, Debs!


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