Friday, February 08, 2008

EGG FRIED BREAD AND METHADONE... how exciting. It's one of those days!


  1. Hi Gleds ~~ The egg fried bread looks quite nice ~ don't know about the methadone. Tomorrow is another day
    my friend. Hang in there. Love, Merle.

  2. Maybe today isn't the day to TAG you... and I'm terrible about following the rules to do it the correct way whatever it is.... so I'm just doing it here. Go to my blog, read the one on 'Ten Signs' and then do your own posting of ten signs a book has been written by you. I'll come back and read it. :)

  3. Wait, do you dunk the egg fried bread IN the methadone? I'm confused

  4. I'm about to eat breakfast thanks to your post :)

  5. Pass some of that stuff my way!

  6. In the UK they allow you to take home that much methadone and measure it out yourself? Here in the US in most places it is $13 a day and the put it in sealable plastic bottles and then put shrink wrap on top of the bottle because sometimes you will get a call at 4AM telling you to report to the center so they can count alll your bottles!!! HA! How much do they give you per day? I am on 90 and sweat at night.

  7. Cat peddling: Alex does that to me all of time and he has long, sharp claws.

  8. Hang in there!

    Is it me or Methadone has the same color as Absinthe??

  9. the breakfast looks yum but why methadone???

  10. Hey, at least you're eating!

  11. In addition to being an alcoholic I'm an ailurophile Gled, the cat kneading is called "milk treading", it is the way a kitten stimulates milk from the mother's teat. Most of the times older cats do this it means they are content... or they think you have a great rack.

  12. i love milk treading
    sounds wrong hey?

  13. Hope you saved me some Gleds just love egg fried bread, I used to wrap fried sausages in it, gosh havent had that since my kids were little. Hope your ok, havent been around much, much contemplating of my navel to be done..but here I am..Its just one of those days,we all have them but hope yours is moving on to something better and closer to your dream xxx Auds

  14. p.s glad I found out why cats do that...I too must have a great rack lol x

  15. Egg fried bread...I love that, but methadone? No, I don't really think so, however, you get those days, Gleds. Hang in there, this too shall pass...

  16. Merle: That's not literally a picture of my egg fried bread just one I googled... it DOES look just like my noneggfriedbread though... don't worry about the meth you don't WANT to to be concerned with that!

    Crystal: OK let me sort this out then...

    Patti: IN the methadone? urk... it looks like creme de menthe doesn't it... tastes like a highly refined cough mixture (stupid flavour if you ask me just about THEE most attractive to young kids)... ours is 1mg in 1ml Australia and America apparently is x10 stronger 10mg in 1ml meaning it's more attractively "junkily" to inject...

    Ropi: bacon. ugh. you're obviously not Muslim/Jew then are you~?!?

  17. Anon: I will post up the recipe later... well worth the mastering... soak egg in before or after frying depending which version is required....

    Preposterous: egg fried break? ok

    Eric USA: you gotta PAY $13 a day you serious? For that ££ here you could get an injectable methadone privata script... do you don't have to prove nonthings with bottle tops stuff/etcs you just drink it at leisure chuck the bottle out afterwards

    SometimesSaintly...: only way I was told to avoid that was by yelping loudly and making said cat feel sorry for you!

  18. Zhu: green? ours is green. in most other parts of the (English speaking) world, so I hear, it is ordinarily red... and x10 as strong. That dose is about 65mg from what I can see as in 65 mls also

    Sinner: darling no methadone I EAT no breakfast no nothing just puke and sweat all day

    Magdalene: yup. ta!

    Discovering: "ailurophile"~?? hmm I found out about the cat teet treading thing... sounds painful on an already birthridden mother cat but mother animals seem to lie quite quiet contentedly being suckled/sucked to death by their herd of baby swines... even mother roborovskis, whose babies are baked bean sized! ... as for cats being "content" I've heard prring is a kind of cat ultrasound and even cats in gt distress will prrr to comfort selves... it is quite a nice noise. unless you are a mouse. or a roborovski. of course...

  19. Pod: I've done milk SHAKING. In a jamjar. With top-of-the-milk. Shake it up. Get BUTTER. NONSALTED yummier butter. Out again!

    Auds: well instead of saving rotten old food I'm 'bout to post up my 3 recipies for fried/egg fried/bit egg fried and bit of chili fried bread... yummm!!!!! ;->...

    methadone doesn't do bugger all except make you feel "ok" so don't worry about that. it is the nicotine patch of the junkie, know what I mean..??

  20. I never knew that methadone was such a wonderful shade of green.
    Love your blog! Consider me a fan...


  21. That bread looks good, Amy wasn't bad on the Grammy's either!

  22. Salty: it's only such a fetching shade of green in the UK aparently where it's cut down with "green syrup" into 1mg/1ml strengh... far as I know most other countries have red methadone at the x10 more powerful 10mg 1ml strength... FATAL should a small child get their mitts on it... as if our 1mg/1ml hasn't caused enough kiddies' deaths over the decades...

    Tom: cheers... they must really have thought she was something to be allowed to perform down the line from London... here at the Brit awards they would only have countenanced Madonna or Michael Jackson doing an equivalent over trans-Atlantic link... and that at the very height of their powers... so Amy ought to be flattered the grammies REALLY DO LIKE HER...


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