Wednesday, February 20, 2008

FREEDOM! AND GOOD HEALTH!! (Not mine: he said it did NOT look infected; but prescribed 2x250mg flucloxacillin x4 a day anyway to stop this...) What he did say is it was the consequences of injecting bad drugs "heroin does not do this" he said pointing at the blisters, which have been packed under special drainage pads. "If this does get infected or you continue injecting in that leg it could go necrotic." Which means dead flesh and I've seen and smelt it it's absolutely vile. It's like an ulcer that never heals. So that told me!! (I have to say for "not infected" it looks remarkably colourful. Bright red patches, purple bits, dead-looking white bits (not "necrotic" open sores) all warbled and marbled. Ukk. I'm not saying anything more. This happened at casualty/A&E/ER by the way and I have an appointment for a consultant to see it on Friday... I'm so glad I'm not stuck in there I had visions of carting a drip stand downstairs twenty times daily for cigarettes (found it hard enough going without in casualty)... I have to go I am exhausted. Whoopee!!!


  1. Well, keep it drained, or covered, or whatever you're supposed to do . . .

  2. Sounds awful. Hope you get better soon - no foolin around for you!

  3. YOU'RE ALIVE and puffing on a ciggie *phew!* Thanks for the colourful description, it made my day *vomit!* There is a Love and Peace tag for you at the Twit Blog but good idea for you to rest (I'm also not in a very loving mood right now) ... HURRAH to your recovery! :)

  4. All I can say is... ouch!

    I read the last three posts in a row and sorry you had to get through the usual waiting/ stupid docs etc. thing. And the guy who "hoped" for an anal abscess :D

    Hope you get better soon. Glad you took care of it.

  5. Hi,

    Take care of that leg, an infection is something you don't want to mess around with.


  6. Well isn't that lovely. I guess you better stick with the good stuff if the bad stuff is gonna cause you to turn colors.

    I'll send you some healing energy from the States.

    God Speed!

  7. I agree with anonymous "YOU'RE ALIVE and puffing on a ciggie *phew!* "............I had a spontaneous pneumothorax (collapsed lung) from smoking and never smoked again; except a splif now and again). I am on 140 a day of methadone split and I feel fine; no cravings. I am given catapress .01 in case I feel sweaty/anxious at night. Do you shoot in the groin? How can you find all these veins all over your leg. I could never find my groin vein.......Can you please enlighten us all on how to properly do a groin shot so that nobody reading your blog will loose a leg. Anyhow brother, keep up the fight; I pray everyday they will come up with a pill for opiate addiction and associated depression. HUGS XXXX Eric in USA (Indianapolis) Home of the last Super Bowl winners, the Colts.

  8. i'm glad you've got some proper treatment at last - sounds painful and horrid and i hope its much better fast.

    and so sorry about Mother H. i hope she will also get good treatment and help....


  9. Yes Whoopee!!! Now rest well. Pity about the jelly and pie though and I so agree with Eric usa that it would be wonderful if they could come up with a wonder the meantime keep fighting for freedom...Gosh beginning to sound like wolfie smith from that telly programme years

  10. I'm relieved to hear that it's not as bad as you thought!

  11. TutTut: "keep the packing on till the appointment tomorrow (friday"!)

    Tsduff: yeah. what else can i say?

    Anon: i know... live enough to smoke: what a contradiction...

    Zhu: does hurt maybe tomorrow i finally get some real and PROPER answers...

  12. Janice: they put me on the strongest "normal" dose... apart from infection of the bones and heart itself...

    Mfiler: 'course I vaguely "know" but what PRECISELY does "God speed" actually mean..? I'm fascinated!!

    Eric: Man we do not have superbowl over here only world cup/European crap soccer....

    groin injecting I do NOT do... you want to be seriously careful pronging round there!

    all I know (and this is all i "KNOW" I cannot vouch for these facts)... ARE:

    NAVEL...= "nerve artery vein empty lymph"... working (obviously) from the navel out...

    go straight in that is at right angles not the normal injection slant... in a t shape to the skin... use a detachable orange on a 1ml or 2.5 ml detachable barrel

    the detachable orange is slightly longer and about 1/3 thicker than the all-in-one insulin syringe most junkies use...

    if a detachable orange really won't work you can try a blue needle ... just have a LOOK at this monster it is SCAREY.... ENORMOUS...

    don't count on me LOOK IT UP YOURSELF and don't count on one source. go to the internet and go to the drugs service

    American hospitals drugs services seem to be even more puritanical than here... do they REALLY call police on suspected ODs?

    man that would NEVER happen here : unless small kids were involved or LOTs of ods happend in same place or something else suspicious... police here REALLY not interested in someone's petty drug use even if it is heroin

    lettuce: I don't know about Mother H to be honest... I am going to consultant tomorrow bc basically i have to to get proper diagnosis

  13. Audrey: yeah even if i HAD gone in I would have missed the bloody last foodround and they're not into "feed the junkie" they would rather underprescribe and leave ppl like me to suffer

    Nicole: think // hope it is over the worst. ta! ;->...

  14. ps ERIC: if you're minded to attempt groin you REALLY wanna double check that "navel" thing i have no idea if it's right...

    Mother Hubbs was in prison... some EEJUT BITCH tried to do her groin with citricated nasty brown heroin MISSED in her groin she HIT THE ROOF...: be careful!

  15. They didn't keep you in then! I hope you will do as you're told and your leg will get better. x

  16. it IS getting better. seemingly... very slowly...


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