Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Off to the Doctor's...

RIGHT I AM OFF TO MY LOCAL DOCTOR'S surgery... where I have been very reluctant to go... especially having been lectured by an ignorant Nigerian locum last time "why don't you just stop?"... (if I could it would not be called "addiction" ~ duh!)... if I am offline for days and days it means I am in hospital I am avoiding there like the flying plague though I know Evilstein will only use it as an excuse to throw out my robbies/make me homeless/etc. I am just about to leave for the "surgery" now... assuming I got the details right they don't shut till six... And I will only ask for an appointment with the nurse. Why? Because assuming this is really as dreadfully terrible as everyone says she will be utterly horrified and get the doctor right away and I will have someone on-side backing me up against the probably barely-English-speaking doctor... If I opt straight for the doctor I will be assumed to be a timewaster (as most patients are: coming in with common coughs and colds that no medication can really treat anyway...)... blah blah and so on right I'd better go


  1. Go on, already! Get all of it taken care of, and keep the nurse alongside you.

  2. Hope it goes well for you. Sorry to hear about your friend's stroke.

  3. I'm worried are you back yet? what happened?

  4. It's getting on for 7:30 there so I'm hoping you have been looked after by the nurse and Dr, and not still sitting in line waiting to be seen*!*

  5. TutTut: they were useless I'm going somewhere useFUL soon as I can. Which doesn't open till 9am tomorrow don't worry I'm an early bird so getting up is no prob

    Eileen: She is much better but will probably not want to see the drs I know her... I don't know if they CAN prevent another one except by warfarin (the anticlotting agent...)

    Akelamalu: I posted it. Not good. But better in that no casualty or crap

    Bimbimbie: no they would not see me at ALL TOTALLY crowded out bigtime when I realized i can go straight to the drugs service tomorrow that is about 10,000 times better so I am doing that it ticks every box including giving me time to hide all the things I dont want Evilstein seeing in my room if he comes in nosing knowing I'm away


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